"I-I need to go to the hospital, my arm and ankle hurts," The brunette muttered and Lauren sighed before removing the handcuffs from around her wrists. They were red and bloody from the metal and the brunette pulled them to her chest.

"I'll fix you up myself, I've had first aid classes," Lauren told her, pulling her onto her feet. The brunette nearly collapsed as pressure was put onto her injured ankle but Lauren caught her.

"I can do it myself," She yanked away from the older girl, who simply shrugged and walked up the stairs.

The small girl followed as Lauren walked into the kitchen, suppressing a cry as she saw the table her father was laid not twelve hours before. Lauren picked up the small girl, sitting her on the hard wood before pulling of a first aid kit. She removed the bandage on her right , swollen wrist, examining the purple bruises. The brunette turned away at the sight and Lauren smiled at her squeamishness.

"I asked my friends what I should do with you, one thinks I should kill you right here and now but the other doesn't think so," Lauren informed her and the brunette's jaw dropped.

"Your friends know you're a murderer," She exclaimed and Lauren laughed.

"Oh they kill with me munchkin," She finished retying the bandage around her wrist before moving onto her ankle.

"Oh great, I mean, who wouldn't want friends who all go out and kill together," The brunette scoffed.

"Don't be stupid, there's a whole bunch of us. It's our job," Lauren explained, pulling an ice pack out of her box and holding it against her foot.

"I don't care, you killed my father, I hate you," The young girl snapped and Lauren looked her in the eyes, a hard glare set on her face.

"Well you should learn to stop being an obnoxious little bitch, shut your snobby mouth and stop judging people without knowing them," She replied.

"I'm the bitch, you're the one keeping me hostage in your basement because you..." Before the smaller girl can continue Lauren cut her off with a hard slap across the cheek.

"I said shut up," She growled and the brunette held her non-injured hand to her glowing cheek, biting on her lip to stop the tears falling from her eyes.

Lauren finished wrapping a bandage around her ankle and stood up from her crouched position, cracking her fingers.

"Your ankle is only sprained, you'll be fine," She told the brown eyed girl who nodded wordlessly, lowering herself onto the wooden floor and began hobbling downstairs into the basement.

"Where are you going?" Lauren called after the younger girl.

"Downstairs, it's not like you're gonna let me out," Lauren could hear her trying to hold back tears but the crack in her voice was obvious.

"You can stay up here if you'd like," She offered and the brunette turned to face her. The side of her face was already faintly purple and Lauren immediately felt guilty.

Although she felt no remorse at killing the people who deserved it, the young brunette definitely didn't deserve it.

She didn't deserve any of this.

Dinah was right.

And the fact that Lauren knew she'd have to kill her eventually made her feel slightly sick.

"I think I'd rather watch my father be re-murdered than spend any time with you,"  The brunette snapped, disappearing down the stairs.

Lauren sighed, walking up to her bedroom and pulling out a box from under her bed.

It contained basically everything she cherished from her childhood, photos, concert tickets, certificates.

You name it.

She liked to keep it because in her opinion, her childhood was the only normal part of her life she'd experienced and that was even at a push. From a young age her father had taught her about the evil the world contained and how it was their job to help rid of it.

It was how she'd met Normani and Dinah, they'd been recruited from orphanages, like many other of the members, before they'd even turned thirteen and the three of them immediately clicked.

The sound of the brunette's crying could faintly be heard and Lauren pushed her door closed before picking up her phone, clicking on the first song that came on. Chocolate by the 1975 started to play and Lauren sang along, eager to drown out the stranger.

It felt strange to call her stranger after they'd spoken to each other but Lauren didn't know her name.

A text appeared on Lauren's phone screen and she checked it to find it was Dinah.

How hot is she?

Lauren chuckled at her younger friend's one track mind before typing a reply.

I don't know, she'll barely look at me

Ever since Lauren had broke up with her previous girlfriend Dinah had one mission: to get Lauren a new one.

Well how can she not, hasn't she seen your irresistible eyes???!!!

Dinah I killed her father. In front of her! And besides, Mani's right, I have to kill her eventually

After a few minuets of Lauren waiting for a reply, her phone rang and to no surprise it was her Polynesian friend.

"Girl you can't kill her, she's innocent," She immediately exclaimed.

"I know that but it's the only thing I can do or my dad kills me," Lauren emphasised the 'me' to get her point across quicker.

"If you kill her that completely changes everything," Dinah stated flatly and Lauren sighed.

"I know that Dinah, I do but I have to," She huffed.

"When you swore allegiance to the Society you swore to kill evil, not random girls who you could totally get with," Dinah whined.

"Dinah stop, I'm not getting with her," Lauren protested, "I have to and check on her, I'll see you soon."

Lauren hung up the phone, not before Dinah could shout 'fuck her', and made her way into the basement. She didn't particularly want to check on the stranger but she'd rather do that than listen to Dinah rant about how single she is.

The brunette was staring blankly at the floor, tears dripping down her cheeks and her hair in front of her eyes.

"Hey munchkin," Lauren greeted but there was no response. She hadn't expected one but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't hoping for one. "Don't ignore me."

"Why, if I speak you just slap me anyway," The brunette finally met her gaze and Lauren narrowed her eyes.

"Stop acting like a bitch, okay. You don't get it, no one does. So keep your mouth shut about stuff you don't know," Lauren hissed and the brunette flinched at the tone of her voice. "You don't get a say in what happens around here, this isn't your house and you're nothing more than a burden to me so don't expect to faze me with your bad fucking attitude because I couldn't care less about you, you're just a stupid little girl who couldn't stay away and landed herself in trouble."

The small girl nodded silently as the tears began to fall faster and Lauren stood up, kicking the wall in anger before sprinting back into her bedroom. She slammed the door hard enough for it to shake the house and collapsed on her bed, her pillow muffling her frustrated scream.

"It shouldn't be this hard, just kill her," Lauren squeezed a handful of her duvet in her fists, trying to convince herself to do so but she knew no matter how many times she'd tell herself, killing the girl wouldn't be easy.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now