‘Savannah, what is the meaning of this?’ Daniel’s voice boomed in my head and kept quite.

‘She was jealous Daniel that I like a good friend was keeping you company while she recovered. I told her about it and she just snapped and started to attack me! It was horrible!’ She sobbed, trying to get her breath back.

‘That is not true! She started all this mes-‘

“Shut up Savannah!” Daniel ordered me and I was dumbfounded. Suddenly we were surrounded by the pack members and all of them kept their distance from me, like I was an alien or something.

“My Baby!” Mrs. Sharp cried and run over to Natasha. She dropped herself to the floors and cradled her daughter’s wolf head in her lap. She quickly lifted her face; her eyes were filled with anger and sadness.

“You monster, how could you do this to my daughter! You’re an abomination!  ” She shouted and I just kept my stance, ignoring her. In fact, I ignored everyone and locked my eyes with Daniel dark blue ones.

‘Just answer this, do you believe her?’ I asked him and he just stare at me.


‘I’m going to ask this one more time De Luna, do you believe her yes or on?” I asked again and he sighed.


‘I don’t know.’ Was he’s only answer and I nodded at him. I turned my attention on the pack members and with them were Selena, Sarah, Ryan, Lily and Cameron. They all look at me with grim expressions and that put more alcohol in the wound.

 I walk passed him and the other pack members. I entered the mansion, still in wolf form and walk up the stairs, in to my room. Thankfully, the door was opened I entered easily and shifted.

I walk to one of the drawers and pull out a fresh set of underwear, which was black and put it on. Then I went to the walk in closet and got dressed in a pair of black short shorts, black knee high boos, a red tight T-shirt and I put my hair in a high pony tail.

I grabbed my other phone that nobody knew about and called the person that would help me to get out of here.

“Hello Savannah.”

“Hello to you too Simon.”

“What do you need honey?”He asked. I imagine him against his office chairs and narrowing his brown eyes.

“I need to get out of this town.”I snapped to him and he whistled.

“You’re lucky, Hunter Hanks was passing by the town and I’ll tell him to be there in ten minutes, okay?” I sighed in relief from the news.

“Yes and thank you Simon, you a life saver.” I admitted to him and he laughed.

“Anything for you hun.” He replied and hung up. I turned off the phone and stored it in my shorts. I took a deep breath and was ready to get out of the closet when I felt a presence behind me and by the musky scent I knew it was Daniel.

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