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Chanmi's POV

I Cried in Jaemin's embrace . Then i realised , he cheated on me . I pushed him away , Na Jaemin why did you cheat on me ? I finally put my trust in you .

" C-Chanmi-ah .. " I heard Jaemin said , I stood up and walked away . I'm tired . I'm tired of everything . I'm tired of my life .

I saw an incoming car . Should i just stand in the middle of the road ? Maybe it would cure my pain . I smiled to myself and ran towards the road , like a maniac .

" CHANMI ! " I heard them screamed but i felt nothing . I opened my eyes and i was scared . There's blood . There's a puddle of blood . Fresh Red Blood .

It belongs to .. Jihyun . What did i just do ? I fell to the ground . What did i just do ? i asked myself again . I wanted to take away my pain , but jihyun saved my life .

" JIHYUN ! " Donghyuk and Sehun ran towards her , I felt sorry . Jaemin ran to me , He hugged me . Why am i so stupid ? Why did i cause harm to Others ? Why did i bring sadness to others ? Why was i even born ?

In just a blink of eyes , Jihyun , Sehun oppa , Donghyuk , Taemin oppa , Jaemin and I are sitting in the ambulance . I wanted to apologise so bad , but if i were to apologise , it meant Jihyun is dead .

She's not dead , she's having a deep sleep . I heard Sehun oppa's soft whimpering , I looked at him . I just wanted to say , I'm sorry . I wanted to replace Jihyun .

We reached the hospital . I couldn't face anyone . When no one is watching me , i ran up to the rooftop . That's where i feel peace . I wanted to escape from reality .

I sat on the bench , as the cold air brushed past me . I felt relax . I want to stay like that forever .

I heard people calling my name . I looked down the roof , they were searching for me . All i did was bring them trouble , i wasn't worthy of their time .

I suddenly felt the urge to jump . Should i just end my life like that ?

Jaemin's POV

Where are you Lee Chanmi ?! Why are you making me worried ?! I suddenly thought of one place .


I saw Chanmi standing at the edge of the roof . I backhugged her and pulled her away from the edge . She stared at me , " Why did you save me ? " She said softly .

She stared at me . I see no emotions on her face or her eyes . She gave me a fake smile , " I'm stupid aren't i ? I caused hurt to so many people . I bring sadness to people's lives . "

I didn't know she think of it this way .

" You didn't . You brought happiness in my life . Before i met you , I wasn't as cheerful as i am . It's you , You made me find happiness . " She started to tear up .

Donghyuk called me , " The doctor is coming out ! quickly come ! " I told Chanmi and we ran down to the emergency room . She was shivering the whole way , Jihyun is fine , trust me chanmi .

Chanmi kneeled on the ground . " Please let Jihyun be okay . " I looked at her , this is the first time , i've seen Chanmi this upset .

The doctor finally came out .

Chanmi's POV

The doctor came out . I'm scared . What if she didn't survive ? I would take away my life as well .

" Oh Jihyun is ... " I waited for him to continue , He finally did . " She's Safe . " I started crying , She's safe ! My best friend is safe !

" I-I'm S-Sorry ! " I told Sehun Oppa , He smiled at me , " It's not your fault Chanmi . It's no one's . " It's definitely my fault . If i didn't jump in front of the car , Jihyun wouldn't even be in the emergency room . it could be me .

We went to see Jihyun . She's laying lifeless on the bed . I felt so guilty , If i didn't act rashly , nothing would have happened . Nothing at all .

Jihyun's POV

I heard voices , I heard Oppa's voice , Chanmi's Voice , Donghyuk's voice , Jaemin's Voice and Taemin oppa's voice .

What exactly happened ?

I can't open my eyes . I wanted to just wake up and ask what happened but i can't . I finally realised what happened .

I saw Chanmi ran to the middle of the road . Without thinking I ran to blocked her and i saw a flash of light and here I am .

Am i dead ?

" Chanmi , it's not your fault . " Does Chanmi thinks it's her fault ? " It is ! If i didn't run to the middle of the road , Nothing would have happened ! " Chanmi , It's not your fault !

I tried to move my fingers , It felt as if i'm a stone . I tried to make noises through my mouth , I finally did ! I felt someone touching my hand , " Can you hear me ? "

Suddenly i see a flash of light , It's so bright . Then i saw two girls , They were smiling at me . One of them gave me a diamond ring , while the other gave me a plastic ring . They told me to choose one .

I didn't know why but i just chose the plastic ring . Suddenly my vision blacked out and i started to wake up . " SHE'S AWAKE ! "

My vision became clear , I'm lying on the hospital bed . Donghyuk hugged me , What's happening ?

" I'm sorry Jihyun ! I'm sorry ! " Chanmi said as she cried , " Its not your fault ! " I said , trying to comfort her . She hugged me and I hugged back , Lee chanmi stop thinking everything is your fault .

A couple days later , I was discharge . I went back to training as usual . It's weird because there's only Chanmi and I in the practice room , Suddenly it started to play a song .

It's a song by yiruma . The light offed , The door opened and I saw , Lee Donghyuk . He was wearing a suit , He smiled at me . I turned back and saw Chanmi winked at me .

" Oh Jihyun , You made me the happiest man alive when we dated , " Donghyuk said , " Remember when i told you i have to break up with you ? " I nod .

" I'll tell you the reason today . " He smiled , " SM wanted me to break up with you so that it wouldn't affect your image , And i followed it strictly , " What ? So he didn't break up with me on his on accord ?

" But today , SM Gave me the chance , A chance to get back together with you and making our relationship public . " He walked towards me , with an empty bouquet . " Do you know why there's no flower ? "

I shook my head , " Flowers are beautiful , so are you . But your the only Flower that i need in my life . Why must i give a flower to a flower ? " I broke down in tears , No one have ever did anything like that to me .

He kneeled down , " Would you give me a chance to be yours again ? " I smiled and nod happily . Everyone cheered and Donghyuk hugged me . Chanmi hugged me , " My best friend is no longer Single ! "

We decide to take a picture to commemorate this day . This is the happiest day of my life . I want to spend the rest of my life with Lee Donghyuk .

A/N :

I tried to make a happy ending for Donghyuk and Jihyun so yeah . Anyways , Stay Safe , Healthy and Happy ! :D <x ( change the 3 to an x ;) )

19th Nov 2016

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