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Chanmi's POV

" Why will she regret going in ? " A voice said , I looked up and saw Oh Sehun .

" Ya ! Oppa ! You scared me ! " Jihyun acts as if she almost got a heart attack from it . Sehun hugged her tightly and pat her head . Their Sibling relationship is simply , goals .

" Hajima ! My precious hair ! " Jihyun said , She hates when people touched her hair because she finds it unhygienic to others because she's afraid that her hair is dirty . And also her hair gets messed up , like my life .

I felt like for a moment i was pulled into my thoughts , but apparently my wallet fell to the ground and distracted me . My family photo fell out of my wallet , i was going to pick it up when sehun asked me , " Is that perhaps .. Lee Dain and Lee Taemin ? " How does he know my siblings ?

I nodded my head and suddenly he hugged me too . What's this Yehet guy doing to me ? Gosh ! But maybe Sehun is a Genius , he created ' Ohorat ' and 'Yehet' . " Sehun oppa , What happened to you ? " He released me from his hug and said , " Your overseas when Dain and Jaehyuk were 9 years old right ? " I nodded , What has that got to do with this situation ?

" Do you perhaps know Dain and Taemin ? " I asked , He nodded with a smile . " Dain , Taemin and I used to play with each other as a kid , Since Dain is the same age as me , We went to the same class together while Taemin Hyung is always left out . " He chuckled while thinking about those memories .

" Do you want to meet them ? " I asked straight forwardly . He nods his head vigorously with a wide smile spread across his face . " Alrighty ! Let's meet at the main entrance of SM tomorrow at 11am since Jihyun and I have free day tomorrow ! " He smiled and nods his head .

Tomorrow is going to be a long day . But i'm still confused on why Jihyun didn't want me to go to the practice room .

While she didn't notice me , I sneak past her and ran to the practice room . I was looking at Jihyun and i accidentally bumped into someone behind me , and i saw a bunch of female trainees glaring at me , hard . I turned around and saw .. Na Jaemin .

I stood still and i didn't know what to do . Is this why Jihyun didn't want to let me in ? Totally regret Coming in here . The atmosphere became pin drop silence , when it was like a wet market before i came in . I was going to leave the room when Jaemin pulled my arm , preventing me from leaving .

" Hajima . Let me go . " He still didn't budge , I pushed his hands off , using up a lot of my strength because i really just want to escape this awkward atmosphere . I'm already dating Jeno , I didn't want others to think i'm a cheater .

I ran out after i pushed his hand off , and i saw Jihyun's Shocked expression when she saw me running out of the practice room . She looks even more shock as i get nearer to her , she points to the back , indicating that Jaemin is following me . Which is creepy at this moment because i seriously didn't want to hurt either of us so i got to act mean .

" Leave me alone . " I told him , Harshly . He smiled and say , " Never , Like what i told you , I'll never leave you again . " I flinched at the thought of that day , That's the day that i rejected him . We would never be the same again , never .

Sehun's POV

Woah , the atmosphere is cold . But what's up with Chanmi and Jaemin ? They seemed to know each other , but damn Chanmi is a harsh girl when she's talking to Jaemin , i wonder why .

" Never , Like what i told you , I'll never leave you again . " Woah , That's manly , Yehet . I didn't know what to do except for staring at Jihyun and maybe watching a Live Korean drama .

" Please Jaemin , Just Leave me alone . " Chanmi said , I could sense sadness in her voice but yet disappointment . Could they be a couple in the past ? Maybe . I ship Them so badly . But I feel bad for Jeno .

" Jaemin , Can i talk to you for a minute ? " I've decided to step in to this matter . They didn't know about love , Love is a tricky thing , it's unexpected . I pulled Jaemin to the side to give him some Advice from the One and only , Oh Sehun .

" So , You like Chanmi don't you ? " I asked , He nodded . Yehet ! " You have to act as if you didn't care about her , You have to either be a bad boy or someone that always stay by her side , helping her which from what I know of Chanmi , She hates that." I told him , Perfect advice for a perfect guy like Jaemin .

Chanmi Sure is a weird girl , most girl wants to be treated like a queen but she didn't . Dain told me that Chanmi have always wanted to be treated like a normal human and not a queen or princess no matter who it is . And she say that Chanmi is very humble , she often doesn't accept compliments .

" But .. Hyung , Jeno and Chanmi are dating , i felt like i'm spoiling their relationship . What do i do ? " Jaemin asked me , " You have to win her over then , Jeno and Chanmi are dating but if you didn't want to do anything to fight for the girl you truly love then your going to lose her . " I felt like i'm so inspirational . Inspirational Sehun .

Suddenly Kakao chat lights up , Indicating that i received a message .

' Suho send a message to ' EXO ' '

I opened the chat and saw what he said . ' Please meet at EXO's Practice room , Mr Lee wants to speak to us . ' I patted Jaemin's Shoulder while smiling at him and walked away to meet EXO along with Mr Lee . Hopefully our Jaemin could man up and try to chase Chanmi even thought she's supposedly Taken By Jeno . I felt bad for jeno but this is for Chanmi's sake .

I could see Chanmi loves Jeno but she love Jaemin more , no matter how hard she tries to hide , she can't . Chanmi is like a sister to me , Whoever hurts her hurts me , so i would fight for Chanmi since they hurt me . Technically not but you get it .

Hopefully , The ' Minmi ' of ' Chanjae ' Ship will be sailing because it means that Jaemin man up and won Chanmi over . I'll have a long day tomorrow if i'm excited to meet Lee Dain and Lee Taemin again .

A/N :

Hope you enjoy this chapter ! Have a safe day ahead and bye !!

29th Oct 2016

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