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This Chapter Shall be dedicated to Haechan and Jihyun ;)

Jihyun's POV

" YOU MUST OKAY ? " Oppa ask me , I nod my head . I'll be going on a date with Donghyuk , If you didn't know , Donghyuk and I are dating . " YOU CAN'T FORGET ABOUT ME OKAY ?! " Oppa told me .

Don't get the wrong Idea that his over protective of me , He just wants me to buy for him boba tea . Gosh . " Time to go ! Make sure my Boba Tea is Cold okay ? " Oppa told me before pushing me out of the door . I waved to Oppa and off i go , my first date .

I waited for the bus at the bus stop , It's so cold . It's currently Autumn but somehow , It's so cold , Normally it isn't so cold . Suddenly I felt warm , I looked up and saw Donghyuk smiling down at me , and he placed his coat on my shoulder . " Ya , Did you wait long ? " I shook my head , indicating a no . He sat beside me , No one talked .

" Let's make this the best date ever , shall we ? Imagined it as , this is our Last Date . " He told me , I felt something was suspicious but okay . I nodded and smiled at him . The bus finally arrived and off we go to Lotte world . It's not very crowded since it's a school day today .

" Let's go and buy some cotton candy ! " I shout in joy , while pointing at the cotton candy cart near by . He smiled and nod , we held hands and walked towards the cart . I didn't know why , but something is suspicious about donghyuk today , the atmosphere felt so , Cold .

" Let's go to the Roller coaster ! " He said after we ate finished our cotton candy , I froze in place . He pulled me to the roller coaster and sat down . I'm dead . DEEEEEAAAAAD . " Please sit still , the roller coaster will be starting soon . " WHAT ?! NO IT CANNOT . " I'm here , No Matter What I'll always be there for you . " I suddenly felt safe , But it all changed when the roller coaster started moving . It's going higher , and higher and higher . When it stopped . IM DEAD .

" AHHHHH NONONONONO !! NO !! SAVE ME !! OMMA !! APPA !! OPPA !! DONGHYUK !! CHANMI !! JAEMIN !! JENO !! SAAAAARAAAANGHAAAAAEEEE!! " I Screamed as loud as i can , i'm scared . Can't blame me .

" HAHAHAHAHAH !! " I heard a laughter beside me , " OUCH ! " Donghyuk screamed , heh because i hit him , real hard . " WHAT WAS THAT FOR ? " He asked , " For laughing at me ! DONGSOOKIE !! " I screamed his name because i didn't realized we were going down and we did . I felt like i'm not in this world anymore . But something made me come back to life , Donghyuk .

He wrapped his arms around me , " I'll Protect you , No matter what . " I felt at eased . I smiled at him but then again , I didn't realized it was going down and it just spoils the whole mood . Girls , Don't think you can get all romantic up in the roller coaster , cause that's all a lie .

" It's over !! You survived it !! Manse !! " Donghyuk screamed , making everyone's attention is towards us . I hit him again , " Yah ! What's That for again ?! " He screamed , " For making everyone's attention towards us ! " He smiled and hugged me , tight . He said , " I just want to let the world know that your my girlfriend . " After saying that , he winked . I hit him again , " YAH ! " I Laughed and said , " It's for winking at me and being cheesy ! " He laughed but our moment was interrupted by someone .

" Uh , The roller coaster ride is over for at least five minutes already , please get off the ride . Thank you." The controller of the roller coaster said , Donghyuk and I got off the roller coaster and off we go to eat again .

After eating , Donghyuk pulled me out of the amusement park . " Where are you bringing me to ? " He smiled and brought me to a place that is somewhat abandoned . But it's beautiful . There's a lake with beautiful flowers surrounding it , and a wooden swing placed near the lake , and a stone bridge to walk over the lake .

music | na jaemin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें