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Chanmi's POV

I could see a glimpse of light . I could hear the beeping noises of the machines . I could feel that the doctor and nurses are trying to save me . I could hear soft whimpering noises coming from outside . I could feel the pain from my wound . I could feel that i'm starting to give up on myself . I could see myself saying bye to the world .

Taemin's POV

I left like i'm on top of the world . Shawol loves our new song ! I'm so glad they enjoyed it because My members and I worked really hard to put up a good performance for shawols .

I'm going to change my clothes , preparing to leave for our next schedule when my manager approached me . " Taemin-ah , Listen . You got to stay calm okay ? " He told me , " Okay , Go ahead . " He hesitated for awhile but he finally said .

" C-Chanmi is in the h-hospital . She's in a C-Critical stage . " I felt like time stopped . Who's in the hospital ? It can't be Lee Chanmi . It can't be . It can't be . I felt like my vision became blurred .

" YAH , CHEONGMAL ! MINHO-AH HAJIMA ! " Key Hyung screamed at Minho hyung , desperately . Minho hyung ran to me and passed to me something , I looked at it . I couldn't really see what's that but i think it's a picture of a girl and him . Normally , I would be teasing him , but i couldn't at this point of time .

" Taemin-ah , what happened ? " Minho hyung asked me , worriedly and Key hyung came running to us . Manager hyung explained everything to them , All of the shinee members met Chanmi before when she's younger , and they are fond of her .

" I'm sure she's okay ! " Key Hyung said , trying to lightened the whole atmosphere . " Yeah , The chanmi we all knew is very strong ! " Minho hyung said as he laughed . " Guys , i'm so sorry . I have to miss the next schedule . " I said , feeling apologetic . " Who says your the only one that is missing the next schedule ? " Jonghyun hyung said from behind , i turned behind and he smiled at me , " All of us are going to skip the next schedule , because Chanmi is also important to us . "

Listening to that , I couldn't help it but tears ran down my cheeks . I felt touched , I didn't expect my members to skip the next schedule just for me . Onew hyung came , not knowing what happened , He looks stunned . " Aigoo , did you guys bully Taemin ? " All of them shook their head .

" Aniyo , something .. happened to Chanmi . " I said , trying hard not to cry even more . He stared blankly at me and after awhile he finally realised what happened . " BWO ?! C-C-CHANMI WHAT ?! " All of us stared at him , " LETS GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW ! " Onew screamed .

Don't get the wrong idea that onew likes Chanmi , it's because onew was the one that babysits Chanmi when she's in korea . Onew favours her a lot , When ever i came back from trainings , i would see them laughing really hard , happily . Gosh , I'm jealous .

We ran towards the van and went to the hospital . The moment we entered the hospital , A group of people started screaming . Manager Hyung pushed all of them aside because we are rushing , and we ran towards the emergency room . I heard people's soft whimpering , It's not my family , it's not . Sadly , when i reached the emergency room i saw my whole family crying , I felt like i'm on the verge of crying . I wanted to comfort them so i hugged them , that's when i realised , no matter how famous you are or how important something is , nothing is more important than family .

I wanted to know more about what exactly happened so i went to the side where i saw Sehun , Jaemin , Jeno and A familiar girl whom i can't figure out who is she . Apparently all of them are crying , it made me realised Chanmi might be such a good friend that even someone that might not be so close to her , could cry over her . I'm proud of my sister because i know that she's a kind and caring young woman .

" Sehun-ah , Do you know what happened to Chanmi ? " I asked , Hoping i would find out the answer . But Sehun pointed to Jaemin , " I think Jaemin would know more since his the one that found her and brought her to the hospital . " Jaemin looked up at me , with his puffy red eyes , that became red because of crying . " Jaemin-ah , Do you know what happened to Chanmi ? " He started to shiver , " I-I-I S-Saw her having a lot of B-Blood on her body , I-If she doesn't wake up i would be g-guilty because i didn't s-send her t-to the hospital in t-t-time . " And he cried even harder . My hearted broke because The jaemin i knew was an extremely cheerful and a very happy - go - lucky guy .

" It's not your fault . I'm sure if you didn't notice her , she would be in a worse state . " I said , hoping to have comforted him a little . He looked at me , He nod his head and gave me a slight smile . The Jaemin i've seen now , is the Jaemin i never thought I would ever see . His both hands are wet because of his tears , His eyes are both puffy and red and he looks pale . I realised Jeno was crying too , The Jeno and Jaemin I knew was always cheerful and with those Eyesmiles that would make you smile too .

Suddenly The emergency door opened . The doctor came out wearing a mask , I couldn't see his expression , All of us ran towards him but he walked really fast and went away .

Jaemin's POV

The doctor walked away just like that . Can it be Chanmi didn't make it ? It can't be . Chanmi is strong . We went to the counter to ask about Chanmi's State , it could either go really bad or really good , there's no in between .

Hopefully it's good . The nurse asked for her name , Her mother said , " Lee Chanmi . " That's the Name of the girl i missed dearly . I couldn't act like i knew her because i promised her . If only I didn't meet her , She wouldn't have rejected me , I wouldn't be here , She might not even be in SM . It's all Because of me .

The nurse at the counter typed in her name and looked up and say , " He passed away a few minutes ago . " She looked nervous waiting for our reaction , Chanmi's Family , Shinee , Jihyun , Sehun hyung , Jeno and I stared crying really hard .

It can't be , Our Chanmi Is gone just like that . Goodbye Chanmi , You will always be in my heart . You will never be forgotten or replaced because your the first girl that made my heart beat fast , made me think of you 24/7 and you made me want to work harder to be able to get you . I hope we would meet again in our next life .

Goodbye Lee Chanmi .

I Love You .

A/N :

( Fyi , I accidentally deleted Chapter 14 so i have to re-write it and it wouldn't be nice if it has the same content so i changed it slightly . Sorry !! )

Hi , Well today is pretty sad day for those that voted for Hilary clinton while for those that voted for Donald Trump , Congrats . But Many people are very upset now because of what is happening to America , I am too . I feel like this the time where people should stay united , People from other countries think that all Americans are racist and sexist , Because of why donald trump said , which Made a huge impact in other's impression of America . I think That America is a beautiful place , We shouldn't let Donald trump let others have such a bad impression of America , Most people supported Donald Trump , I did wonder why , But Everyone Has Their own opinion , we shouldn't judge them since all of us view things in different perspective . All we could do now is to change things , we can't change the fact that his the official president , So what can we do ? Well , ask yourself that question . How do you want others to think of America ? If you want them to think of it as a place filled with kindness , then you start it out first . Be kind to everyone , eventually they would see that your kind and they would start being kind , Thus others would see America as a place with Kindness . Definitely it isn't easy , but i believe if your doing the right thing , your hard work would be paid off .

Stay Strong America !

9th Nov 2016

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