Moonlight Kiss {Chapter 21}

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Copyright © 2012 by twilightgirl1. All rights reserved.


                                                                Moonlight Kiss

Chapter 21

           As I enter the house, I was immediately overwhelmed by the salty smell of fresh blood. Its scent got sweeter as my vampire instincts became to take over me for a minute. My sense became alert and I soon found myself holding my breath. I gazed around the house looking for the source that was making my mouth watered. I stopped as soon as Robert’s mother came into view, my eyes focused on her for a second as she scrambled around the kitchen in distressed. I tried not to make any noise, but it seemed like my silence was not helping since she turned around and gasped as soon as she saw me.

         “Jane! I didn’t see you there” she exclaimed. I nodded my head quickly before looking around once more in look for a quick get-away.

       “Are you alright?” she asked while taking a bandage from the small cabinet. She gently placed the bandage on top of her left hand. A part of me wanted to run away from the house as quickly as possible; the scent had become stronger by the minute. I wanted so desperately for Robert to here with me to keep me calm, but he wasn’t to my disappointment. I turned my gaze to Robert’s mother and found her staring at me with curiosity in her eyes.

         “I’m fine. I just can’t stand the sight of…blood. It makes me sick” I stuttered trying not to inhale the scent of blood. She looked alarm all of the sudden, her expression changed quickly as she took a step closer to me. I immediately held my hand up to stop her from coming any closer. “Please…I just need some space” I whispered.

          She nodded taking a step back. “Oh dear! I’m so sorry, maybe you should go to your room. Breakfast should be ready in a few more minutes” I gave her a slight nod and headed to my room as faster as I could. I let out my breath and relief as I enter the room. When I made my way to my bed, I nearly screamed blood murdered as I saw a figure lying on my bed. The softly snores that was coming from the person soon made me realize that it wasn’t a stranger in my bed. I saw his brownish hair sticking out and smiled as soon as I saw Robert sleeping.

          His angelic face caused my heart to start beating faster than usual. Although we don’t necessarily have a pulse, there is still a faint heart beat that makes us alive. The light coming from the window made his hair shine giving his face a slight glow. It made me happy to finally be here with him after all the confusion that I had before.

        Now I’m certain that what Robert and I have is special and no one, not event magic is going to separate us. He makes me feel complete and loved. I then soon realize that I’ve always been waiting for this kind of love to happen to me, ever since I was little I would see my mom and dad create a strong bond between them. Their love was what saved them both and that’s what my love for Robert is going to do. I will protect him with my life when the time comes, and there was no doubt about it.

         I slowly made my way towards the bed trying not to make any noise. I slipped off my shoes and jacket, letting them fall to the floor. I climbed up to the bed and lay my head on the pillow facing Robert. He scooted closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

Moonlight Kiss {A Sequel to Dark Forest} ♥ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now