This Is Quinta

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Hey to new readers, this of the book was done after it was finished. I wanted to give the character depths and a back ground to make her more understandable.


A loving mother with a child blooming a glow of happiness. The child hummed a tone, it was the first day and Quinta wanted to make a great first expression. Quinta knew if she really tired she could make a lot of friends which lead to a pretty dress, piggy tails and nice white shoes. 

Her mothers eyes twinkled like stars as she stared down towards her baby girl, Her first child. "You excited sweetie?" Her mother asked. 

Quinta nodded her head and continued to skip towards the gates of this so called school. 

The classroom they had entered was full of life, Quinta's eyes grew and ran towards the other kids. Her mother stood and sighed, conforming information to the teacher. With a short wave goodbye Quinta was alone with the other students, not everyone liked her but she still tired to make everyone happy. 

 Years passed and now she was in grade two, intensely listening to the lesson. The bell rocked her out of the chair, she giggled and ran outside. Quinta was lively and happy like every other day, as she skipped toward the play grounds she heard a sharp cry. 

With out hesitation her legs took her towards the cries, their she saw a boy. Big large glasses laid on the ground near him as three boys kicked at him, Quinta huffed and ran at them. 

Her small frame nudged them and moved them from the boy, "Leave him alone bullies!"  She cried being brave. 

"yuck, a girl!" One cried. 

"It's just a tiny weak girl, now get her!"The other screamed. 

Her head turned and smiled towards the boy, "Run." She whispered. 

Without a thought he ran off, leaving her helpless. They punched and kicked her repetitively until the ball rang to go back. 

Quinta's lunches went on that way, protecting others and taking the hits. Again and again, the smile never faded. She wouldn't let it get her down. One day all the other kids started calling her names, shoving her and pushing her aside. 

The bullies one day bashed her head against a pole repetitively both lunches. Black dots formed in her eyes until she passed out that afternoon. 

Slowly her smiling become less bright but still stood there, it didn't hurt that much. She could stand it, the whole school knew who she was but her smile wasn't the same when she had to leave it in the past to go to another a school. 

No matter what though Quinta wore a smile, trying her best to make friends but her so called best friend of her grade six class was spreading rumors and private information. The class soon started to pick on her, only one girl liked her and made the storm seem like spitting rain instead. 

However the teachers noticed how the class indeed disliked her and found how she got along with another class, they moved her at the end of the school year. The class was better but her so called best friend continued her ways trying to ruin her life.

Quinta's smiles finally gave up, it was the half way through high school. People believed she was the one bullying the ex-best friend. Daily Quinta was harassed.  She found new friends again, and again. Friends that her ex-best friend hasn't befriended. Sadly that following Christmas eve... Quinta was harassed to the point of no return, they told her she was a monster, to kill herself for hours. 

After her parents went to bed she grabbed some pills and swallowed them all down. 

Quinta woke the following day, only to her disappointment. She ran to the bathroom and through up everything in her gut. She got use to the bully but that's where she met Rowan. 

They become best friends and she did everything for her, when Rowan fall for Alois... Quinta helped her but Rowan broke his heart that's when she stepped in to help only to fall for him along the way.

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