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She twisted and turned in the bed, Quinta couldn't stay still. Her body lifted and grabbed onto the covers around her, She groaned in pain and whimpered.

Wet tears made there way down her face, "Oh sweet one," Ryker whispered as he softly runs his hand over Quinta face. "Everything is okay." He says softly as he smirked.

Quinta turned from Ryker's touch, earning Ryker to growl. "Why does he get her?" Ryker growled out. "I would treat her so much better and love her body better then him." He grumbled.

"Why are you here?" Alois voice quietly rings through the room. "Ah younger brother." Ryker said as he stood.

Ryker slowing made his way to the door where Alois stood, A smirk played on Ryker's face while a frown was placed on Alois's with narrow eyes. "I was just checking on her, she sounded in pain." Ryker said casual.

Alois's eyes narrowed towards Ryker, A growl was heard from his throat. "I heard what you said and heard you were thinking, now leave she is mine and you can't have her at all." He said with venom dripping from his words. "Fine fine little brother but if she crawls to me then don't be mad at me." Ryker said as he walked out.

"Fucking hell." Alois groans and slammed the door.


I jolt awake as I hear a door slam, I look around the room. I see Alois with anger in his eyes, not to far from him I can see the red ribbon that has blood on it. "Alois?" I say softly.

He takes a deep breath and smirked, his eyes glassed over. Alois slowly makes his way over to me in the bed. "It's very hard trying to get in control of this boys body." He says.

My body shivers under his line of site, I bite my lip. Even though I shouldn't since I will be a werewolf shortly but I'm still in the change and I only have sight and smell so far. "Hey don't we have s-school?" I stuttered.

Alois stops in his tracks, his eye narrows at me. "yes we do, Your clothes are in the wardrobe." He says. Alois turns and walks towards the door "Oh and by the way Quinta, you can only leave my side during classes after I will be right there." He said as he walked out.

I sighed in sorrow and got off the bed, as I walk into the wardrobe I see one side full of male clothing then the other with female clothing. My face pulls into disgust, some of these clothes were so short and showing. "This isn't my Alois." I say out loud to myself.

I grabbed a plain orange shirt with blue jeans and some black boots that aren't to tall, I also grabbed some random black bra and panties. It freaked me out knowing they were all the right size, I shivered and grabbed a brush that was placed on the bedside table. I see my favorite perfume on the drawers, Quickly I grabbed it and sprayed it all over me.

I skipped outside the room only to be grabbed by Alois himself, "Took you long enough." He said annoyed. I made silly faces behind his back as he dragged as down the halls. "Son what are you doing?You have school?" The queen said.

She stood in front of us, Alois smiled sweetly. I didn't think he still had it in him, "Quinta goes to my school mum." Alois says politely. The Queen nodded, "Alright, Just don't lose her she costed us a lot of money." She said as she walked up the stairs.

Alois started to pull me again, I groaned as his grip was tight around my wrist. "What day is it?" I asked Politely. "It's Wednesday, Now hurry up." Alois says snapping at me.

My eyes narrow at him as I jog to keep up with him, I've skipped a day of school because of this stupid shit...wait Rowan saw me get kidnapped! fuck she is gonna know I belong to Alois. I think as Alois drags me towards a Limo.

"snap out of your day dream, you wanted to go to damn school!" Alois snaps at me. I shook myself from my thoughts and jump in the limo, I cross my arms and look out the window. I need to find a way to go to Rowan and Ermias.

I feel the car come to life as a sit in the seat, the engine rumbles quietly as we drove. "Now remember you are mine and mine alone." I hear Alois say beside me. "Yeah, Yeah whatever." I say casually as I shake my hand not caring what this Alois wanted me to do.

I hear a growl escape from his throat, My body gets pinned down by Alois. His chocolate brown eyes glare start into my golden brown ones, The hair on the back of my neck raised. "Stop Disrespecting me!" Alois shouts him my face.

"Stop being someone else then!" I screamed back at him. A smirk made it's way to his face, "Fine I'll show everyone that you're mine." Alois says seductively. 

"What wait!" I shout as he leans his face to my neck. Not again I thought as I felt his breath on my neck. 

Alois's fang's gazed against my neck, I whimpered. Electricity ran through my body, I could feel it from where he pinned my hands down with his. I bit my lip as Alois kissed up and down my neck, I pushed my back up as his tongue slid down my throat. Pain shot through my neck as Alois's fangs were pushed into my neck. 

Pleasure quickly replaced the pain, it was incredible. Words couldn't explain the pleasure running from my body, Pain an pleasure swam in my body. I moan escaped my lips, I pushed my back up more to be pressed against Alois. I Felt him smirk against my neck, He slowly pulls away and licks away the blood.

"Now people will know you are mine." Alois says casually as he sits back in his seat. I narrow my eyes into a glare and frown at him, Heat ran through my body. "What did you do?" I said panting. 

"Oh nothing just gave you a love bite, It gives off my scent but it doesn't last. Sorta like a mate mark but it's not" Alois says. "Oh look we are here, at school. Now be a good girl Quinta."

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now