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I heard a door open not to far from me, My eyes snapped open to see three girls dressed all professional coming towards me. I sat up "Who are you?" I said shocked.

They smirked "We are here to help you get ready for the auction." The one in the middle said.

I don't think I ever got to my feet faster but they were quicker 'Stupid vampire speed, Once I shift for the first time I will kill you all'. I thought while growling as a sit on a chair in the room facing the mirror. One of the girls was stitching my head, another was changing all my Pierces to match the Lingerie they picked out for me.

It was an orange colour, The bra was connect to another piece of fabric making it almost a shirt but see through. The undies had lace around it and had bows on it just like the top. "You guys can't be serious." I grumbled out.

They all laughed. Once they forced me in the lingerie they started to curl my hair, "You know you got pretty big boobs, lucky we grabbed a pair from twelve D to twelve G." The girl doing my hair laughed. "Yeah I wouldn't have guessed she was a Twelve G." Another said causing me to blush. "Her booty is just the right size to, not big yet not small." They all broke into laughter.

They finished me off with lip gloss "what no more make-up?" I say jokingly. "No. mistress said not to put make-up on you because you're already beautiful plus your smell is intoxicating."

I glare at them "Oh don't be like that." The tallest one said. "Come on, is she done?" A high pitch voice rang through my ears.

I looked up and saw a chick who looked very wealthy, Her red lips turned into a smirk "The King and Queen are definitely gonna pay big money for her."

I swallowed down the limp forming in my throat, The lady grabbed me by my arm and started to drag me from the room. "Good job girls, go take a rest." They all nodded and walked the opposite way.

"Now listen here," The lady said as she dragged me further and further away from the room. "No funny business got it, if you don't get brought we kill you after this." I slowly nodded my head. 'I don't wish to die'.

A line of girls and a line of guys made it's way into view, loud noises of shouting could be heard. I was pushed to the back of the line. I turn and look at the lady who had the biggest smirk on her face.

Girl then boy, another girl then another boy this pattern went on for awhile until it was just me and a few guys. I was pushed onto stage by someone and the auction guy grabbed me, The bright lights surrounding us blinded me. "Now here we have a intoxicating human, Her name-....oh dear what is your name seems we don't have it."

I glare at him as he holds the mic to me "Quinta!" I snap. "oh my, feisty to. Well as you can see and smell she is a good one, A nice body and an amazing blood type. Let's start the auction at hmm twenty thousand."

My eyes snapped wide open in shock, I look around the crowd and see many hands shooting up and people screaming higher numbers by the second. My eyes land on the Royal vampire's, A smirk played on the Kings lips.

The Queen leaned it and whispered, The king stood up and raised his hand. "10 million!" He shouts.

My body freezes, how can one spend that much money on a slave? "10 million going once, going twice, sold to the king!" The auction dude says.

I start to get shoved and pushed into a room with the name king's and Queen's. There I see another two people. A girl and a boy, They shyly wave. 'brother and sister' I think to myself. They liked alike and acted alike so they had to be.

"Okay you will be coming back to the palace where you will live and serve our kids." A voice booms behind me.

I turn and see none other then the king and queen themselves. The other two nodded and walked behind them, The Queen noticed I wasn't walking with them and so she nudged me a bit which made me to start walking.

She walked behind us and we all followed the King to his limo, A butler opened the back door and the King signaled his wife to enter. She went then he went, we followed behind and sat in the back quietly.

The trip wasn't quiet, the king and queen chatted the whole way. The limo came to a stop, it didn't take long until the doors opened. During the ride I learnt the names of the King and Queen. The King name is Jacques while his wife is named Marie.

we slowly made our way into the palace, "Kids!" The Queen shouts.

Next thing I know I see Alois brother and sister, Kenzie and Ryker. "Where's Alois?" The Queen says softly.

They both shrug "I think he's in his room asleep." Ryker says.

His eyes turn red and snap towards me, His lips turn into a smirk. My body starts to shiver, He looked me up and down like a predator would do to its prey. Ryker licked his lips and turned his attention back to his parents. "So who are they?" Kenzie asked.

The king smiled, "These are your new personal slaves." The king says. "Rainer and Maxima, step forward for Ryker and Kenzie."

They do as they were told, Ryker face change into disappointment. "what about her?" Ryker says as he points at me.

I look down to avoid his eye contact. "Oh she is for Alois." The queen says. I hear Ryker mumble something. "Okay go show them around, I'm going to take her to Alois." The King says.

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now