Skin around my wrist were ripping, the chains cut deeper into my skin the more I pulled. I bit my lip to hold back my urge to cry, the pain was my fault. After hours of trying to break from the chains the sun raised and shone into the room from behind the curtains, but still no sign of Alois.

"This is bullshit!" I screamed as I continued to pull at the chains.

A loud sound of metal breaking rang through my ears, air blew softly over my fresh cuts on my wrist letting small tingles run down my arms. I took a deep breathe and sighed. "You're welcome." said a deep voice.

I squealed and jumped from my spot near the end of the bed,  My ass collided with the floor letting pain shot through the bruises there. I glare towards the voice to see Ryker, he returned my glare with a smirk. "I didn't need your help." I said him. 

My throat was killing me, I haven't had a cold drink in what seemed forever. "Whatever you say my dear, but here take this." Ryker softly said a he held onto a cup of water.

I grabbed the cup and drank all the cold goodness inside of it, I heard him chuckle. "My brother really doesn't look after you."

My eyebrow roused up in confusion, 'why was he being so nice?' I thought to myself.

"You see Quinta if I had someone has beautiful as you as my slave I wouldn't treat you like this, I would treat you better even like a Queen. I see great things from you but while you're with Alois I don't feel they will be achieved so come with me and you can get whatever you want." Honey dripped from Rykers words, but an evil flame was hidden in his eyes.

"I appreciate the offer Ryker but I belong to your brother and your brother only, yes he may mistreat me but he was once my best friend and he once cared for me. I know there is a slim chance my best friend is still there but I plan to save him not run from him." I spat towards him.

Ryker glared, the aura in the room became dark. "Fine, if that is what you wish for then so be it but when you coming running to me I won't be surprised because they all run back to me." He snickered and with a blink of an eye he was gone.

I sighed in relief. I heard the door slowly creak open, my eyes locked with Kenzie. She softly smiled at me, I gave her a sad smile. Her eyes closed and she inhaled a deep breath, Kenzie's eyes snapped open and shone a bright red. They snapped towards my wrist, sorrow flashed through her face. "You're badly injured." She whispered.

In a blur she was gone, a second later she was sitting in front of me with a med-kit. "You don't have to help me." I said softly to her.

"No but I am going to, you are the only chance we have to get back the old Alois and I heard what Ryker said to you. I even heard what you said back, I'm glad you are welling to be hurt to save the memories of the past." Kenzie said as she cleaned my cuts and wrapped them up. 

She sighed, "I am afraid  for you though, I have always seen you with Alois. You guys would laugh and joke around sometimes I saw some type of emotion in his eyes towards you that he gave no one else, back then I thought nothing of it but now it has me thinking." 

Kenzie's eyes looked deep into mine, a mixture of emotions swam deep inside of her brown eyes. "I have had strange thoughts, some of them stranger then the first and you are the reason behind them. I wondered that maybe you were meant to save Alois from the start, what if you were the one thing that he needed." 

I quickly shook my head, "Kenzie that is just nonsense, He never ever looked at me beside a friend. That is all I am to him....well use to be but I am willing to die to save your brother."

Kenzie gave me a sad look but nodded, a loud rumble was heard. My face became flushed with a deep scarlet across my cheeks. Kenzie giggled and helped me stand up, my knees wobbled a little but Kenzie put my arm over her shoulder to give me support. "You're hungry I see, let's go get you some food can't let my friend starve now can I?" Kenzie said with a chuckle.

I turned and raised my eyebrow in confusion, "friend?" I said in shock.

She turned her head and gave me a closed eye smile, "Of course, soon we will be best friend. I can feel it."

I returned her smile, "Now let me guide you to our dear kitchen where I can get you some food."

We both laughed as we made our way down the long halls toward the kitchen, we joked together and told each other the simple things about ourselves.

"My favorite color's are deep blue and red, how about you Quinta?" Kenzie asked.

"well mine are orange and baby blue really." I replied. 

She smiled "we both like a blue so we got that in common." 

we both giggled. "So best friends?" Kenzie said bringing her pinkie finger up.

I nodded and locked my pinkie finger with hers, "definitely, best friends for life."

Kenzie hugged me, "From this day froward I will try my hardest to protect you from harm and death itself. I will try protect you from Alois but I will definitely protect you from Ryker, even if I risk my own life I will protect you."

Tears made there way down my face, Her words touching my heart. Not even rowan made me feel like this, I felt safe and secure around Kenzie. I felt as nothing could touch me while Kenzie was around. "Thank you." I cried softly to her. 

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now