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All of today, I just walked around with my head down. I followed every rule Alois said and didn't fight back, pain....is all I felt.

I couldn't stand it, I wanted to rip my heart out. Alois ha two sides; the sweet,lovable boy I once knew and the crazy, asshole is now walks this earth.

"Get in the car now!" Alois yelled.

I bit my tongue not to lash out and nodded, I entered the car and sat in the far corner of seats. I felt Alois sit on the seat close to the door, I could sense the power of his smirk radiate the car and everywhere around him. I couldn't understand him anymore, this wasn't my friend. "You have been awfully good today, A reward is at hand." Alois says but a hint of something dropped from his words.

"Tonight I will give you the gift." He said, I didn't trust him.

His words sounded so untruthful and non trust worthy, it sounded like he already had a twisted plan spinning around in his head; the smirk he held didn't help with this either. I stayed silent, fearing the worse even though I wasn't giving up the fight just yet.

I sensed as if something bad would happen to me today, like I was going to lose something I hold dearly or even be rewarded pain from my words.

Silence. That is what I've heard since school. The car ride was silent, Alois left me in his room in Silence. His smell invaded my nose, It smelt like roses dripped in blood. It scared me but I couldn't help myself but love it, I sat wondering on his bed If he knew we were mates. 'Does he know?' I think to myself as words span in my head, like a tornado.

Ripping me from sanity, ripping me away from any other thought. How could this world be so cruel, changing Alois then making him my mate after he became evil. I sighed and lied down onto the bed, I closed my eyes and tried to forget the thoughts. I heard the door crick, I quickly jump back into a sitting position.

My body was tensed, I calmed down and relaxed as I saw Kenzie. "It's just me Quinta." I give a small nod.

She sighed and then gave a soft smile, Slowly Kenzie made her way to me and sat down next to me carefully. I felt relaxed and soft near Kenzie. "I know it's weird for me to show up but I know how you and my brother were best friends," I nodded in confusion at her words.

She sighed once again, "Look I know my brother, well I did. You see since he changed his heart grew dark, I had to see a monster grow in my younger brother." Tears started to form in her eyes.

"One day he came home screaming, he screamed that the girl he wanted wasn't his. I tried to calm him but he said I didn't understand. I know what I have done is wrong but I went through his phone to find message between two different girls before he became like this well sorta." Kenzie wipes away a tear falling from her eye. "One of the girls were you, He was happy with you but only saw you as a friend but I know deep down my old brother loved you."

My body starts to shake from fear and sadness "But he also talked to this girl called Rowan Tate, Your best friend I assume. Alois has talked to her even after the change, She played him. Rowan flirted and flirted then out of the blue told him that Ermias Woodward was her mate. Alois was furious, the monster started to grow more....I feared I would never get him back but now you're here and I hope you can bring my baby brother back." Kenzie said as she looked me in the eyes with tears streaming down hers.

"I will be your best friend around here, I will come see you often but I won't be able to get between you and Alois a serious times or that will be the death of you." I nodded.

She smiled and hugged me then left, I didn't hear the door close behind her though. I turned and my whole body tensed at the person standing at the door. Alois stood there with a strong glare straight at me "She wasn't meant to be here!" He growled out to me.

"Kenzie was only comforting me!" I shouted back.

Pain then shot through my back, Alois's body was pressed onto me. I was squished between the wall and him, "Do not! I repeat, Do not disrespect me!"

A strong power raised in me, I growled out. "Respect will be given, Once it is given to me!" I screamed.

A loud growl rumbled in his throat, my body is thrown across the room into the door. I tremble as I tried to get up but pain only shot through the side of my body, "ahh!" I cried in pain and fall back to the fall. 

I started  to sob on the floor, I could hear his footsteps coming closer and closer to me. My body tensed on its own, I feared what he would do next. All of a sudden his footsteps just stopped but he wasn't near, "If you're going to hurt me in some way then do it! Don't play your damn games on me!" I shouted/cried out.

I could hear small sobs come from near me, I raised my head ignoring the pain. I groaned and bit my lip, shock then filled my emotions also, Alois was standing there looking at me with guilt and sorrow. "Q-Quinta?" His voiced creaked as he spoke my name.

"Did I- Did I do that to y-you?" Alois's lip trembled ever so slightly as the tears ran down his face.

I nodded slowly, pain shot through me once more. I groaned and let my head fall back to the floor but before my head could hit the floor Alois caught it and placed it in his lap. "I'm so sorry, I- I don't even know what came over me. My mind hasn't been right since the day they changed me."

I felt his wet tears fall upon my forehead, I small smile made it was on my face as my eyes started to close. "I don't ever want to hurt you....but I don't have much control of my body." Alois's voice trembled.

His smooth touch was the last thing I felt before I blacked out, letting the darkness take me away from the pain. 

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now