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We finally arrived, Alois stumbled and tripped multiple times. My clothes stuck to me and his had mud all over him, dried blood stuck to his hair.I felt horrible, this was my fault.

"What the hell happened?!" Kenzie screamed as we open the door.

"Werewolves, I pushed him then I jumped in. After they left I notice he had passed out and was bleeding. I'm so sorry." I said freaking out with tears streaming down my face.

Kenzie sighed but Alois giggled, "don't freak. I'm fine." He said calmly.

"I'll take him to the Doctor, you go for a shower okay Quinta. I don't want you to get sick." Kenzie spoke with the kindness and fear of a mother.

It warmed my heart, I nodded and handed Alois to her and walkes up the stairs to the mutliple rooms.

A single tear streamed down my face, "I miss you mum, dad....and my brothers...how would they feel..."

I silently sobbed as I made my way to Kenzie bedroom, i creaked open the door and went straight to her bathroom. The taps squeaked as I turned them, I stripped down as the stream slowly filled the room.

I jumped at my reflection in the mirror, my long brownie blonde hair was entangled with nature, my eyes surrounded by dark circles, cuts covered me from myself not to long ago. I swallowed the lump in my throat and carefully stepped into the shower, the bathtub was slowly entrapping my feet from the hot water falling from the shower.

My muscles relaxed when the boiling water ran down my body like a water fall, I sighed in pleasure. This felt good, I felt clean. I could feel my mind running freely once again; thinking over my family, how my shift is nearing.

My body shook, my bones light with fire, my mind goes wild when the moon is high. It keeps getting worse, and the itch to run outside spreads like wild fire.

A creak sliced through the silence, I jumped and my eyes snapped open. "What the?" I whispered to myself.

I glared through the curtain at the shadow stumbling into the bathroom, A squeak left me as the door slammed. In shock I covered my mouth and backed against the wall, the shadow turned and walked towards me.

Even though the curtain, I felt their eyes piercing right through me. The curtains swooshed opened, I screamed and covered myself the best I could. My eyes widen, a dark scarlet covered my cheeks.

"Alois! What the fuck!" I screamed as Alois stood with the curtain in his hand.

He looked tired, his body was limpish but his eyes entwined with mine.

"Alois, please get out." I told him as i pressed against the wall.

"No," Alois groaned, "you're my mate."

Lazily he stepped into the tub and closed the space between us, I felt completely defenseless.

Alois placed his forehead onto mine and inhaled deeply, his eyes swirled with red. "You smell divine my dear."

Alois whispered softly and kissed my head, he gracefully wrapped his arms around my waist and place his head on my chest.

The steam started to fog up the room and Alois's clothes stuck to him, he moaned lightly and a small whisper escaped him. "I...love you....my queen."

My face darkened once more, "uh...Alois?" I stuttered out.

I sighed in defeat as his chest slowly raised, A bead of sweat went down my forehead. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me, Alois groaned and clung to me.

I dragged him to his room, gently I placed Alois on his bed. I turned to leave but his hand entwined with my own. "Please don't go." Alois moaned.

He pulled me down on top of him, he peaked one eye open and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, trying my best to hide my heating face.

"Quinta?" Alois questioned with a croaky voice.

"Yes Alois?" I turned and tilted my head.

"Do you like me as a best friend." He said with a yawn.

"Of course Alois." I giggled out.

"Do you feel the mate pull?" Alois groaned out as his eyes closed.

"Uh....yes. I felt it from the beginning." I mumbled.

"Do you love me?" He spoke with a smile.

"....yes....like I always have." I said as tears threatened to spill.

"Good, because I love you." Alois yawned.

"You probably aren't real and I'm dreaming, but this dream is great. I saw you naked, felt you smooth skin, kissed your forehead, had you on me and now...I get to kiss you." Alois mumbled and grabbed the back of my neck then pulled me to him.

"I'm glad this is a dream, I always hurt you. Maybe one day you can truly be my queen." His spoke with pain and sorrow.

His lips entrapped mine with his, I closed my eyes welcoming the moment of love.

This wasn't a sex lust or blood lust, this was love.

The way he spoke to me, the way he gently holds me, the way our lips melt against one another.

This was my heaven, I moaned out. I felt my towel slipping, it fell next to Alois as it slipped from my body.

He embraced me and hugged me, we lied there. My cheeks and body on fire, the kiss felt the fireworks. My lips were left in tingles and felt amazing. 

"Kissing you was amazing to bad when I fall to sleep I'll wake up to you gone. Goodnight Quinta." Alois yawned as he embraced my body heat.

"I wish you knew this wasn't a dream, you'll know tomorrow." I whispered and kissed his cheek.

I flattered my eyes close and fall soundly asleep to the sound of Alois breathing as long side intoxicating smell.

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz