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I was motionless, I felt dead. Kenzie's words rang again and again 'Lost the baby'. I paid no attention to anything, it was nothing anymore. It was clear his love would never over throw his monster, he will always hurt me in every way possible. Alois would shower me in roses and happiness only for a short amount of time, it would turn to hell in no time. It was a way to get me right under his fingers.

If I was in a story maybe our love could conquer over the beast, but this wasn't a fairy tale, it wasn't a love story, this was a real life nightmare. No happiness. Not. For. Me. My whole life is pain, why should I believe that all you need is time to save someone or allow them to see your love you have for them but... That's all I have done for you Alois. I waited. So long. I waited for you. For your affection, for you to see the smile I only gave you. How I couldn't stare at you look without blushing and hiding. You may have been my best friend but the love I hold for you will always haunt me, your face will become my nightmare.

I see you now, glowing red eyes, fangs. I still can't stop loving you, the blood of our baby that wasn't even here for long gone because of you but I still love you. You try and push away from Ryder to claw towards me but I would let you because I still love you.  I may still love you and crave for you but I can't be your Harley anymore, my love isn't enough. 

My eyes trailed back to see Kenzie crying, only then I realized she has been speaking to me. Her fingers wiped under my eyes, I was crying to. I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around her neck, I was in pain. 

"Lets go." Kenzie whispered as  she held me close in her arms.

Right before we left my eyes connected with his once more, pain. pain. That's all there was. No red, Alois was himself again just in time to see what he has done. I wasn't able to scream stop, my heart told me over and over something was just upsetting him but my mind made me choke on my words.

I laid close to Kenzie as doors flew open and locks clicking behind us, she moved swiftly away from the scene straight to the white room. Steam surrounded us as water splashed against itself. Fabric fall on the ground, skin exposed to the air surrounding us. 

Muscles released as was surrounded by warmth, I swayed back and forth, trying to just say upright. "Quinta, I know you want to stay here with him but after this..." Kenzie sighed, "We can't allow, most of your stuff has been sent to the kingdom of werewolves. After your shower I will lower you down the window so you can escape, don't worry Ryder will keep Alois away for long enough."

Silently I nodded as I rubbed the water along myself, Kenzie soon helped me as we sat in a comfortable silence. Kenzie kept mumbling things, well I think she was, I couldn't hear a thing. Nothing. I just rocked in her arms. Everything was still dull and all I wanted to do was run straight into his arms, crying, saying I forgive him but that would be wrong. 

Alois tricked me and attacked me but I still loved him, monster or not. but.... I have to get out of here, unlike Sally and Jack, we are simply not meant to be. Kenzie kissed my forehead before leaving, I think she said clothes but I was blocking her out I could say. 

All I wanted was Alois but the harder I thought the more I realized our relationship, it was definitely like the Joker and Harley. He would treat me horrible and I would run back because his love was torturing sweet. Poison. It should be sickening but his was heaven, a drug and I need to drop it or else anything could happen to me. Even death. 

I sighed and lifted my body from the relaxing water and pushed myself to lay on the floor, I sobbed once more as the numbness faded and pain irrupted in my gut. Kenzie cried at my position. A soft texture covered me, soaking the water as Kenzie whispered to me. Her sweet words calmed my body but it still hurt.

As she dried me, the pain faded but the memory lasted. I felt weak, I was no longer strong. I never was I guess, always weak and a push over.

I sighed in sorrow as I changed my clothes, "I guess this is goodbye." I stated. 

Kenzie sniffled and squeezed me within her arms, "I will always see you as a sister Quinta."

I weakly smiled, She handed me a backpack. I tilted my head and looked at her while raising a eye brow. "Food and water to last the trip." She kissed my head and headed me the rope. 

I gripped tightly as I walked to the window, I flinched as a squeak rang throughout the air. I inhaled and jumped, Kenzie slowing my fall and lowering as quickly and safely as possible. Panic ran through me as the cries of Alois's anger took upon the air, In a blink of an eye I let go. I was free falling. 

Kenzie screamed in horror as my clothes blew with the wind, I gasped as the wind was pushed from within me as I collided with the ground. I forced myself up and started to limp towards the woods, away from him. 

"QUINTA!" Alois cried once again.

I shuffled quicker, not wanting to be court by the man I love. I sobbed as my heart broke, just hearing his pain was enough. I stopped and looked once more at the castle, normally I would be running for it if this was a story but this was reality. Reality. With everything that happened I wouldn't believe it...

I know one thing though, if my life was a story it would be a tragic tale. This was perfectly a nightmare fit for a princess and I am one, I am the princess with the tragic nightmare. 

"Goodbye, my love. I will always call your name in my sleep and wish to hold you but I guess love will never conquer all. I should know since I have tried for years." I sobbed.

I wiped the tear from my eyes and left for good, hobbling towards my kingdom where I will never see the man of my dreams, my mate, ever again.

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now