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My eyes were swollen, puffy and red. I sat, laid and rolled around in the bed as I cried. Kenzie visited me to check I was okay, she then brought me cake and other sweets to cheer me up but it didn't help.

Now I sat on the bed, staring out the window towards the glowing moon. Its beauty was like none another and gave me a sense of freedom, the moon calmed me and made me relax.

I sighed and shivered, the night was cold and the moon's are passing. Soon my shift will arrive then they will all know, they'll smell the silver, they'll smell my true scent.

I shivered and howled quietly to the moon, my scent may smell good now but once the spell is broken my true scent will flood the nostrils of all. I will be a victim to all who smell me, they will want to suck me dry and leave me like dried up fruit.

A clicking sound of a door opening sliced through the silence in my room, my head snapped towards the door and my eyes locked with Alois's. Guilt, sorrow and confusion washed over him. 

I glared at him them snapped my gaze back to the moon, "What do you want Alois, you made it clear you didn't want a thing to do with me when you ran out." I murmured losing all the confidence that I just held like water going down the drain.

"Hey, Quinta I'm here to say sorry." His deep voice sighed and his foot steps echoed through the room as he stepped closer. "My heart and mind are fighting, my mind wants Rowan but my heart tells me I want something else and it isn't her."

I swallowed the deep lump forming in my throat, my breath hitched as I felt his presence right behind me, my body froze as his hot breath and cold hands touched my skin. "I want to make it up to you, everything you've done for me yet I have done nothing for you but that's going to change right now."

Alois's span my whole body around to face him, His dark brown eyes stared into mine as if he was looking straight into my soul. "I may not always be me and snap into the other me but while I am in control I promise I will give you everything I can and will re-build what we lost because of me." 

His voice sounded like a thousand angels singing, humming or just talking. Alois's voice was heaven it self, and it only just hit me that I missed this, that I missed him. 

I've missed the way we laughed, the way we talked, the way we joked, his touch, his care free attitude and most of all him. 

"I may not have been the best person towards you Quinta but will you do me the honor of letting me take you on a date?" Alois's voice was so soft as if it could been the fur of kitten, he sounded so sweet like that favorite candy you'd eat all the time,  His eye's looked so bright and filled with hope like the eyes of a child.

I nodded my head quickly, a small sobbed made it way from my throat as the sadness washed over me like a shower. "Hey, Quinta don't cry." Alois said worried.

He raced to me and placed his arms tightly around me, giving comfort and warmth, electricity ran all through my body. I gripped onto his shirt and cried, letting my tears soak his cotton thin shirt. "Quinta, It's okay." Alois whispered quietly in my ear.

"I've missed you Alois." I whimpered in his arms.

A pair of soft lips kissed my forehead, and his arms tightened around me. "I've missed you and how it used to be." He murmured in my ear.

"Wait here, I got you something.'' Alois said as his arms unwrapped around me and zoomed off.

It was only a second until Alois returned with a bouquet of flowers and a small box, I raised my eye brow in a questioning manner as my face heated up. "This is a part of my apology, here open it." Alois said as a small blush covered his face and as he handed me the box.

I slowly tugged at the orange ribbon on the blue box, I smiled at my two favorite colors. I pulled the box lid up and gasped, before my eyes was a solid gold necklace. It had a small quarter moon on it and two snowflake charm on it. "Do you wish for me to put it on for you." Alois said quietly as if he was afraid I would throw it back at him.

I nodded and took out the necklace and placed it in his hand, Alois placed the flowers down beside me and crawled onto the bed and sat behind me. I pulled my hair up in my hands, I shivered as Alois's fingers grazed against my skin. A small click rang through the air and I dropped my hair back down.

"Sleep now Quinta," Alois's voice sang in my ear, my body started to go limp and my eyes drooped. "It's going to be okay, tomorrow we will have that date."

I gently fall into Alois's arms, His arms wrapped around me and lied us down. A felt his lips kiss my forehead before I fall into the darkness.

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now