"ahhh" I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair.

Pain, that's all I felt shooting through my body. I can't remember much of the day before this... "I went to school with Alois, he got very mad and I stayed quite we came home then...then what? I can't remember."

I slowly push myself of the sheets, bruises covered my arms. My throat felt like it was in cut and badly bruised wore then the bruises on my body. I quickly sigh and wiped away tears that were making there way down my face. "Alois must have attacked me after we got home then."

I threw my legs over the side of the bed and made my way down the halls. Everything was quite, it was also really dark. I blinked a few times and looked around, when I said dark I meant it.

Shadows crept every corner, I swear I heard laughter or little voices all already me. I grabbed my hand and continued to walk down the halls.

I stopped in my tracks as I passed a window. No clouds were to be seen, stars were shining and the moon shone so bright. I sighed and smiled "it's a beautiful night tonight."

"It is, isn't it but clearly not as beautiful as you my dear." I heard a deep voice say from behind me.

I squealed and jumped from fright, my body turned and faced towards the stranger. It was to dark to see him clearly as he stood in the shadows, his red eyes gleemed through the darkness giving me a cold chill.

"I see my brother as hurt the delicate flower again." His voice echoed through my ears and down the halls.

'Ryker?' His name rang through my head, of course it had to be him. Out of everyone, it had to be him. I completely stranger who could steal me away wasn't even close to him, I could feel Ryker's eyes piecing through me.

His feet slowly moved towards me, the space between us was becoming slim. My breathe hitched as Ryker's features become more clear in the nights moonlight, my back collided with the window behind me. The cold air from our side chilled the glass which that tickled and picked at my skin as it touched the glass.

"No need to be frighten my dear, I am not my brother and shall treat you like you deserve." Venom and honey dripped from his words.

Fear shot through me, loud footsteps echoed around us. They were speeding through the halls, it was an endless sound of bare feet hitting the wooden floor. My eyes quickly darted towards the stairs to see Alois, his eyes glowed a dangours crimson. The smell of death rotted the air.

The small amount of relief I had was replaced with once again fear as I saw the blood dripping down Alois's features. "Ryker, I do believe she is my slave so fuck off."

Alois voice was somewhat dead and threatening, without a blink of an eye Ryker was gone. Alois's deadly glaze was locked with my eyes, my body shook and trembled. I didn't know why I was so scared of him now then I was when I see him the day light.

Alois's lips twitched and made there way into a smirk, my breathing started to pick up and my heart beat raced. "T-thank y-y-you...." I stuttered towards him.

"I wouldn't thank a monster dear, shortly you will be screaming out something. Most likely in pain because you left the room without my permission." He said as his body tensed.

I bit my lip and looked away, 'new Alois is here...' I thought. "Now follow me!" Alois shouted.

Slowly my head nodded and my feet flowed behind his, I knew I was to weak and tired to fight him so it was better to obey then get kicked around once more.

Alois stood and waited by his door for me, I went to just sneck by him so he wouldn't touch me but I was still pushed into the room.

The door swamg and slammed behind me, a cold mental touched my wrists. I gasped as my whole body was thrown to the end of the bed. I tugged at my body to stand but I was stuck, I turn to my wrist to see I was cuffed to the bed.

"Now I like this view but something needs to be fixed." Alois mummbled from behind me.

Fear ran through my body, I pulled and tugged at the bed but it wasn't working. My body froze and tensed up completely as I felt a ice cold hand pull at my skirt, cold would blew making me free exposed.

A cold hard whack was felt on my ass, I groaned in pain. I bit my lip knowing my body loved this, pleasure was slowly making its way to me. "You like this don't you Quinta? I know you do." Alois snickered.

Hits after whacks were placed repeatly onto my back side, I felt disgusted knowing my body enjoyed my sick punishment. My head hang low as tears my there way down my face to the floor, I felt pain all through my body because of him.

'He is just going to keep doing this to you over and over again until you break' my thoughts said to me. 'You are a strong werewolf and will make this, I believe in you Quinta.'

Shock ran through me as I heard another voice ring through me head. 'Was that my wolf?' I thought to myself.

'Yes, I am lily-rose. I am your wolf, your shift will be coming I'm a few months maybe not even until your birthday but I am here now for you.' Her sweet voice rang through my mind.

My muscles started to relax once again, I stared toward the moon and smiled. I couldn't a least have hope through out my life while here, I am human some way after all and I know some day it will be okay once again.

A Nightmare Fit For A Princess (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now