Chapter 28

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Oxford Weekly

Italian man found dead in gutter of Headington Road.

The man had died of blood loss and had severe injuries to his tongue which is where professionals say he self inflicted the life threatening damage. Police officials identified the body as the homosexual criminal they had attempted to arrest previously that week.

"Good riddance, I say." says police officer P.C. Riddley "We had been looking for this man for several weeks now, and we are all quite happy that this danger to society is no longer with us." He says that they were forced to retreat as rebels entered the building and overcame them with their numbers and weaponry.

The body of the man was found by Mr and Mrs Hellan and they too are glad the monster is dead.

Public notice no. 375

There has been several violent outbreaks of rebellions across England. Despite the best efforts of police, all citizens are advised to stay indoors or head to a public building if they see any signs of suspicious behaviour. Thank you for your co-operation.

Woman killed in idiocy.

People have been fighting for women's rights and equality in the genders forever, but historians say that this is as bad as it is ever going to be. A young woman by the name of Elisaveta Hedervary has lost her life in one of these incidents. She was studying in Oxford University and her teachers say that she was a diligent student despite her set backs being her gender.

She was then seen with a group of protestors blocking the path of the prime minister in his carriage. The group of protesters held signs saying "Votes for women." Thankfully, the prime minister was not harmed, but Mrs Hedervary threw herself under the wheels of the carriage, much to her husband's dismay who was paying for her tuition fees.

This is a valuable lesson for women to stay in the kitchen where they belong.

Public notice no. 376

Police had been investigating in Oxford University due to the multiple incidents and crimes involving it's students. There was a society discovered to be a safe ground for homosexuals, protesting woman and immigrants. Police arrived in the middle of one of their meetings and shot and killed three of their members; Arthur Kirkland - the leader,  Yao Wang - a Chinese immigrant, and Matthew Jones - a Canadian. The rest of them fled the sight.

The names of those alive and remaining in this society are:

Alfred F. Jones

Natalia Arlovskaya

Francis Bonnefoy

Hercules Karpusi

Kiku Honda

Ivan Braginski

Please examine the pictures on the other side of the page and imminently report to the police if sighted. Not all of these people are confirmed to be criminals but the police will still need to interrogate them for further information. Thank you for your co-operation.

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