Chapter 6

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21st of December
Chapter 6

Feliciano had spent the past few weeks saving up his spare money for the train there and back. It was far too much build up and he was relieved but slightly anxious that the day had finally come. He poured all of his thoughts out by talking to Ludwig who had also arrived early. Kiku was also there with Hercules, so they were waiting for the rest of them.

Feliciano had left without Matthew and Alfred said that Arthur had invited him along as well. Alfred was frantically packing, mostly snacks for the train although Matthew was sitting patiently waiting for Francis, completely ready.

However when Francis and Matthew did finally arrive, after everyone else had gotten there, and the train was about to leave, when Matthew came rushing towards them, carrying a number more bags than Feliciano had originally seen him with. Francis followed in a slow walk carrying nothing but a small hat box, looking in all of the windows of the shops as he was passing by, a contrasting calm expression on his face.

'What made you so late? You were due here half an hour ago.' Arthur stood with his hands on his hips, brow furowing.

'I'm so sorry, Francis hadn't turned up at the right time and - ' Matthew broke off as the doors on the train had been closed by the conductor and everyone else had already boarded the train. Matthew frantically opened the door again and jumped in just in time as the train had begun to move.

*A little while later*

'Arthur, you know you were right, these people are really nice. I hadn't thought to interact with the foreigners, so I'm very glad you invited me along. Even when I didn't want to enitially go, you kept encouraging me. You are really nice making a club like this for these people who would otherwise get kicked out of the school.' They could all hear Alfred's loud voice from across the carriage, even though he was speaking to Arthur.

Feliciano stifled a giggle as Arthur walked past, blushing and flustered. He knew that the whole carriage could hear as well. From what Feliciano could tell, Arthur had told them that Alfred had invited himself along although that wasn't the case. The train journey was four and a half hours, so he was fine talking to Ludwig. He had enough topics of conversation. And Ludwig was incredibly open as well, despite his red face, which Feliciano assumed was motion sickness, as he kept fumbling over his words. He had to excuse himself a couple of times because he hadn't ever talked for that long and needed to refill his complimentary tap water.

As the train reached the halfway point, Feliciano grew tired and hungry. He tried to contain his whining, but despite all of his best efforts to keep his mouth shut, he had to tell Ludwig.

'Ludwig I'm sorry, but I'm so hungry and tired and I tried not to tell you but I can't help it.' he looked sadly at Ludwig who stood up and took his bag down. He unzipped it and took out a sausage and a pillow.

'Here, eat this.' he gave the sausage to Feliciano and then gave him the pillow. He proceed to take his jacket off and put it around him, which was a perfect fit.

'Ve~ Thank you!' He smiled at Ludwig before asking 'What is this sausage?'

'It's a German sausage called wurst.' He gave no more explanation and looked at the back of the seat in front of him.

Feliciano ate half of the sausage and gave it back to Ludwig thanking him again but complaining of it's strange taste. He yawned, saying something about needing more seasoning, before promptly falling asleep. Ludwig sighed, knowing that Feliciano would use the pillow more than he would since he was a light sleeper. He shut his eyes and tried to rest.

'Feliciano, wake up, Yao is offering some of his own cooking.' Ludwig gently nudged the young man's shoulder.


'Yes, food.'

Feliciano opened his eyes and looked around to see where the food was.

'Yao is offering some of his homemade snacks for you. He is handing them around all of us.'

'Ve... Yes... Please...' said Feliciano with a yawn, rubbing his eyes and blinking a few times. He got handed a small box with some Chinese snacks in it. He tried it but even still, he didn't like it. He was very picky and he only ate pasta and occasionally pizza with different toppings and sauces. He would just have to wait until they arrived at the house.

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