Chapter 26

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After the kiss, time flew. Feliciano was in the process of moving into Ludwig's apartment, as they couldn't bear the long, cold nights alone any longer.

Ludwig was having a mental battle with himself. He shouldn't be with Feliciano, it was against the law and there was a high chance of them both getting found out and getting hurt. He hadn't told Feliciano this but he had received a letter from his landlord that was suspecting them of committing homosexuality. It had said that quite a few of their neighbours had complained of seeing them hold hands, greeting each other with hugs and kisses on the cheek.

Ludwig had written back explaining that those acts was just a tradition in Italy and it would be deemed rude if you refuse. The neighbours were just overthinking and who could blame them at this drastic time where disgusting creatures that call themselves human could be lurking anywhere.

It pained him to write that but his landlord needed satisfied with the reply as he simply said that he was going to be keeping a close eye on them, which was extremely kind, considering the circumstances.

Ludwig even thought about breaking up with Feliciano, or running away to save the pain, just so his precious Feliciano could be guaranteed safety. Those thoughts however were instantly swept away every time they hugged, or kissed or said those three sweet words to one and other. Ludwig had come to the conclusion that Feliciano would be happier with him.

So it came to the day where Feliciano was moving in and they both found it hard to contain their excitement. Feliciano couldn't wait to spend all of those dreary evenings revising with someone he loved.

So the moving van arrived and tall strong men and Ludwig carried the furniture up the stairs and into the house, with Feliciano helping by carrying all of his small boxes of personal items he planned to decorate the house with.

Over the past months, Feliciano had helped Ludwig sort through the mess that was his whole flat, and bit by bit, they got the place tidied and looking more like new.

Feliciano followed Ludwig up the stairs, watching him carry his small single bed effortlessly up the stairs with just one other struggling man. Feliciano tried to catch Ludwig's eye and when he did, he grinned secretly. They both knew that neither of them were going to use that bed, as Ludwig had a double bed. But just in case a homophobic came to visit, they needed two beds to prove they were just friends.

The work lasted all day and when the moving men finally left, they still had to unpack.

'We can finish this tomorrow Feliciano, let's go to sleep.' Ludwig checked the time on Feliciano's grandfather clock, one of the only nice pieces of furniture either of them owned.

It was a little past three in the morning.

'But Luddy, today is tomorrow.' Feliciano giggled and leaned sleepily against Ludwig. 'Plus, we only have one box left!'

'Alright. Hurry up though.' Ludwig smiled and moved slightly to prompt Feliciano to start work again.

They packed without talking, and only the old radio music playing to break the silence. This was the biggest box that Feliciano could bring up the stairs and so it contained a lot. Ludwig put the last item in the box in the pile for "to be hung up" meaning that the pictures could be hung up at a later date.

The song changed to "The Way You Look Tonight" and Ludwig turned around to Feliciano, who was in the middle of the kitchen, with a slight blush on his face. The last time he had heard this song was when he was spying on Feliciano.

Suddenly, Feliciano pulled Ludwig to the space he was standing in and hugged him. 'Ti amo.'

Ludwig already knew what that meant and he kissed the top of Feliciano's head in return. But Feliciano had a plan. He dramatically stepped back and kneeled with Ludwig's hand in his. He allowed a small pause in which Ludwig thought he was going to propose.

'Feliciano, you know we can't -'

'May I have this dance?' Feliciano grinned cheekily and was lifted to his feet by Ludwig who was also smiling.

They then danced slowly around the kitchen, with Feliciano's head resting on Ludwig's shoulder and his arms around his neck. It was a sweet moment, they could forget about everything bad in the world in those few seconds. It was lovely and peaceful until a terrible sound harshly interrupted them.

There was a banging on the front door. Not like knocking to come in, but a heavy breaking in sound.

It was the police. It had to be, they were yelling to let them in and saying they were with the government. Ludwig quickly led Feliciano into the furthest room in the house, the study, and locked the door. Ludwig heard the door splinter and dozens of booted feet scattering around the house searching for them.

Ludwig had to cover Feliciano's mouth with his hand and sit him down on his lap in order to make him be quiet.

Then they started at their door. Feliciano sprung up at the noise and looked for an escape, but there were no windows or other doors, and so all they could do was back up against the furthest wall. They held hands, but were too petrified to speak.

Then the banging stopped. For a moment, it sounded like they were gone until there was a sound of many people running at the door. It split and the police entered the room, wielding guns.

Before Ludwig could even react, they fired at both of them. Feliciano got hit and fell to the floor.

Ludwig lay on top of him to protect him from further bullets but instead got the full wrath for himself.



Three bullets hit Ludwig in the back and the pain blistered and spread. He could only hope that this was enough to protect his dear Feliciano and that he would play dead so the officers would overlook him.

He felt his heart failing to pump blood around his body and his lungs punctured. He swallowed the blood that was in his mouth and breathed out.

The last thing he heard was the leader of the vile police yelling for everyone to retreat.

He could relax now that Feliciano was safe.

The last thing he felt was a soft kiss on his head and he realised that he was unable to breath in again.

Unable to believe what was going on, Feliciano checked Ludwig's pulse with hazing vision.

With his final breath before he fell unconscious he uttered 'Ludwig.'

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