Chapter 11

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At around three in the morning, when everything was still dark and quiet, Ludwig heard Feliciano leave his bed once more. He doesn't sleep that much these days so he wasn't woken up.

Feliciano was walking over to his bed with his eyes firmly shut, so Ludwig assumed he was sleep walking. Feliciano came to the side of the bed that he was facing and stopped. He stood there, softly snoring, for two minutes before lying on the bed on top of the covers where he wriggled around a bit before sleeping normally again. Ludwig sat up carefully so as to not wake him, in silent shock about what happened. He then very slowly and carefully pulled the covers from under Feliciano and wrapped him gently in the soft sheets.

Ludwig passed around for a little while trying to decide what to do, before realising that Feliciano was shivering slightly. So his decision was made up for him. He cautiously got back into bed and put his arms around Feliciano. He could feel him slightly relax, however Ludwig started shaking. Not because of the cold, but because of the softly snoring Italian in his arms.

After that, Ludwig fell asleep for the first time in three days.

'Knock knock!' Ludwig was blinded by bright light in the room. That was the first thing he noticed.

He then realised that he was still hugging Feliciano, who was wearing pants and a t-shirt, that explained his constant shivering.

Then, to his utter shock, he saw Francis enter, wearing a messy apron and a chef's hat. A wide smile spread on his face when he saw them both.

'Oh I'm sorry,'

'No, no, uh don't worry...' Ludwig glanced away, blushing furiously 'You... You won't call the police will you?' Ludwig attempted to contain his stress while clutching Feliciano stronger.

'HAHAHAHA no.' Francis said after a while, taking key words to translate. He winked mischievously before looking to Feliciano who was stirring. 'I made crepes.' And with that he left.

'L...Ludwig?' Feliciano turned around to see Ludwig's brilliant blue eyes staring into his.

'Ah, uh um...' The strong man sat up and shifted away from Feliciano, instantly loosing heat and wishing he was hugging him.

'What? Why am in your bed?' Now almost fully awake, Feliciano was panicking.

'L-let me explain, you were sleep walking and you came into my bed. So I put the covers around you, but you were shivering so I...'

'Oh.' A smile appeared on Feliciano's face, showing his teeth. He opened his arms wide, in a "I want a hug!" Kind of way.

'Em... Francis has made crepes for breakfast and they may get cold.'

Ludwig stood up and stretched briefly before opening the door and gesturing for Feliciano to leave. Slowly, Feliciano got up and walked to the door, a rejected look on his face.

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