Chapter 23

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Feliciano wasn't happy to be alone. He didn't really know many other people in the Society. He used to always talk to Ludwig and now that he was in Germany, he didn't socialise much. He went to the meetings, but he didn't really click with any other members, apart from Kiku.

Kiku could be entertaining sometimes, but he was so polite and quiet that you couldn't have a long conversation with him without feeling like it was one sided.

Feliciano had also been curious about what 'ich liebe dich' meant. He had searched for a German dictionary in the University's own library and in the city library but with no success. He would ask someone, but he didn't know if anyone else spoke German.

He was not doing so well with his Law course. He had failed the recent tests and had been caught napping in the lecture theatre more than once. Feliciano was always more creatively minded and he would much rather paint than listen to some boring old man talk about stuff he was never going to use.

Luckily Ludwig was coming back in time for New Years, so Feliciano only had to wait until the next day to see those amazing eyes and talk to the kind personality again....

'Mr Vargas...' there was a light tapping on Feliciano's shoulder which jerked him out of his thoughts.

He blinked a couple of times and looked around the room. Yet again, everyone had left except Kiku who was quietly reading.

Feliciano thought he needed to find out what those three words meant before Ludwig came back so he could impress him with how much he had learnt.

'Kiku? Do you speak German?'

'Yes. But only a little. I learn the basics of the language someone speaks in to make them feel more comfortable.'

'Can you tell me what ich liebe dich means?' He tried to pronounce it as clearly as possible.

Kiku suddenly closed his book and put it on the table. There was a knock at the door and he gracefully stood up.

Before he opened the door however, he turned around to Feliciano, a light blush tickling his cheeks. 'It means... "I love you".'

And with that, he opened the door with a creek to invite in Hercules.

Feliciano couldn't remember what happened after that. He moved so fast that he couldn't pick out details any more. All he remembers is leaving the club room and going home. He now lay on his bed, starring at the ceiling trying to sleep.

All he wanted to do was make tomorrow come faster.

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