Chapter 9

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Feliciano had to make some emergency midnight pasta to quench his strangely big appetite. Since he was shorter than most men his age, he surprised everyone with how much he could eat. He made simple spaghetti, which he had dried and stashed in his suitcase, with some basic tomato sauce.

Luckily they had all of the ingredients for the sauce in the cupboard. He had the radio on and was dancing slightly as he stirred the softly boiling spaghetti. It was a really old song that had recently come back into fashion; The Way You Look Tonight. He knew the song, so he quietly hummed along.

Since the government had outlawed all forms of technology and media, because some supreme hackers called E.A.T had hacked their way into the main system in which all of the military and nuclear secrets were stored. They almost won the war, as well. It was a shame, as dictators had taken over the main countries, the rules had become more and more strict.

Until they took the world. Every single person was put under harsh laws and were severely punished if they didn't follow them. People were forced to stay into their own countries unless they had special government permission, like everyone in the MLP society. Public executions became more and more frequent and the line for death row grew and grew. Anyone who didn't follow the rules, or even worse, rebelled, were killed as soon as possible, sometimes even on the spot where they were caught. Those hackers must've had a mole, or a slight flaw to their system, because they were all said to have been caught, tortured and stoned to death, slowly and painfully.

The dictators were sexist, racist, and homophobic as well as many, many other horrible things. Society has turned back to what it was like in 1887 and it was not getting better. Thank goodness they kept the radio, Feliciano knew that they had taken away the commenters and hosts, but he only cared about the music.

So in the streets these days, Feliciano just kept his head down and didn't look up when he heard yells, or shrieks. With the amount of armed police in the streets, there was a chance of fatal misunderstanding. He also didn't look because he knew what he would see, and he would snap and break down, which would end him up in the same situation as the poor soul who had been caught.

He just pushed the temptation down to the bottom of his gut where those feelings just built up, not being released, which Feliciano knew was unhealthy. But he was also a aware of everyone else with curious souls were suffering through.

So Feliciano relished these happy moments and tried to ignore all the bad things in life.

The song was just about finished when he heard a floorboard creak. Feliciano flicked around to see a tall figure step into the light, his strong arms rubbing the back of his neck.

'I-I couldn't sleep, and I heard you leave so I um...' Blush filled Ludwig's cheeks, his eyes fluttering between Feliciano and the floor at his bare feet.

'Sorry Ludwig, I didn't make enough pasta for you...' Feliciano smiled sleepily.

'It's fine.' He moved over into the dining room which was next door and Feliciano followed, bringing his full plate of pasta with him.

Within five minutes, the sleepy young man had finished and was rambling on, half asleep, tomato sauce all over his face.

'...You know my brother is going to marry before me... But that makes sense because he is older... I miss Grampa Roma I hope he is ok without Lovino... Work in the fields is... Very hard... So I usually take naps... How come butterflies wings... So thin... I'm glad they didn't take the radio... Mmm Ludwig... Your eyes... Are... So pretty...' And with that he promptly fell asleep into his empty plate.

The next thing Feliciano can remember was Ludwig carrying him up the stairs, his legs swung over a strong arm and his head was supported by the other. Ludwig was walking slowly, so as not to wake him. Feliciano rubbed his eyes and looked up at his face. His icy eyes were locked forward and Feliciano noticed he was shaking slightly. Because of the dark, he didn't notice his red cheeks.

Feliciano nestled into the German's chest.

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