Chapter 27

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There was just darkness, endless darkness and silence.

And then he was falling.

He fell for what seemed like days until he landed softly in dark satin that held him quietly. He could feel it, but there was still no sound.

Then he was waiting. Waiting for nothing, yet knowing he needed to stay for something.

The dark satin disappeared into a cold stone ground which forced him to stand, as if urging him.

Then there was a spotlight on him, dimly lit, yet light enough for him to see.

He knew he needed to reach the door, but he didn't know how or where to find it. So he took a tentative step out of the spotlight and discovered that it followed him. So then he ran. The sound of splashing accompanied his bare feet in the suddenly wet ground.

And then he was running.

He ran for miles and miles, but he didn't know for how long.

He didn't know when or how, but suddenly two doors appeared in front of him.

The doors were identical and plain, yet he felt as though he knew that one door was better than the other. The first door, the one on his left. That was the good one, it was the right choice and for some reason, he knew he would be happy there. This door would bring him the one person he needed. Then he turned to the other door.

This door was bad. It was the wrong choice. It was were the cowards and the weak people went. Where they belonged. He knew that this door would cause him pain. This door was where the weak and the cowards get torn apart by the terrible decisions they had made in their life.

He didn't know how he knew this, there was no indication or sign about what was beyond those doors, but he knew.

He had to choose.

He tried to take a step towards the good door but he couldn't. His head told his body to walk towards the good door, but his body was defying him. He was standing stock still.

He slowly lost feeling in entire body except his face.

Then suddenly the non existent walls flew closer, blocking him from entering the good door. He was forced to turn towards the bad door. It was now open and there was only bright white light showing. It hurt his eyes and in turn his head to look at it, but yet he stared in sheer curiosity and intrigue.

The walls moved slower now and he felt the wall behind him press against his back. It was rough and cold.

He was being pushed towards the bad door until all he could see was light.

'Lovi! Lovi, he's awake!'

Feliciano blinked twice, three times and then a face appeared over his.

'L... Ludwig...' his voice was rough as if he hadn't used it for weeks.

'Get out of the way.' Suddenly the face was pushed off and was replaced with another face.

Feliciano blinked again and he saw his brother in front of him.

'You really had him worried, Feliciano.' A voice he recognised as Antonio's could be heard. He saw Lovino turn around and swear at his friend, who was laughing.

Feliciano's vision finally became clear and he realised he was in a hospital.

'What happened?' He tried to get up but he couldn't feel his body.

Hot, sickly panic began to bubble in his stomach. He could hear himself becoming hysterical.

'Feliciano, after you... the police left...' Antonio thought for a moment. 'Well... we were went to your house to surprise you that we came over, but well your roommates said that you moved to this other man's house. So we went there and we saw your neighbours at the front door, stopping us from going in and saying they called the police on account of homosexuality.'

'We got the rebellion's police to come and rescue you. We had better guns, and now you're here.' Lovino rolled his eyes at the length of Antonio's version.

'Why can't I move?' He felt choked.

'Feliciano, stop shouting.'

'The doctor said that you were shot in the upper spine and... you are now paralysed from the neck down.'

Feliciano took a moment to think. He would be okay if Ludwig was there with him to help his recovery.

'I will heal right?' Feliciano looked around the cramped room and got no answer.

His voice grew shaky as his memory came back. 'Where is Ludwig? Is he okay?'

'Ludwig is... dead. I am so sorry, he wasn't breathing at the scene.'

Feliciano didn't cry, he didn't yell, he just said quite calmly. 'Please leave.'

Feliciano could tell that it was night, and that they were tired and they probably wanted to go home anyway. Feliciano closed his eyes and ignored everything they said as he mentally prepared himself for what he would do next.

He didn't know how he was going to do this while being paralysed, but he was going to be with Ludwig again. He would get through the good door somehow.

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