Chapter 3

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October - Florence
Chapter 3

'Grampa Roma, I'm working at the tomato fields and I won't be back until dinner.' said Lovino, projecting his voice up the stairs to where his grandfather was.

'That's fine Lovino, be careful.' Grampa Roma wheezed back.

Lovino slammed the door behind him and set off on the one mile walk to Antonio. He squinted slightly at the early morning light that was directed at his face. He got to the old Peach tree that marked the halfway point when he saw him. Antonio usually waited for him at his fields, so he was surprised to see him here. He swore loudly at him. All of his worry he concealed as anger, was swept away in one word.

'Where the hell have you been?' Lovino walked to close the couple of meters between them, scowling.

'Sorry Lovi, I have been thinking.' Antonio smiled as if this was a usual occurrence 'I need to tell you something.'

Lovino scowled even more in response. Antonio stepped even closer and hugged Lovino who swore again into his chest. Antonio pulled away a day walked with Lovino to the old peach tree. He sat down and gestured for Lovino to do the same.

They sat in silence for a while, just admiring the beauty of the countryside. The wheat fields moving slightly in the breeze. The trees swaying as well. Everything seemed to be at peace.

So what is it?' Lovino finally turned round to look at Antonio, his eyes shining brightly despite his constant frown.

'What is what?' Antonio knew perfictly well. Lovino opened his mouth when Antonio interrupted, laughing. 'OK, OK. You know, we have known each other for ages, since we were kids, do you remember playing in the tomato fields? I consider you my best and most trusted friend. Do you feel the same way?' he looked at Lovino.

'Was this the reason you where away all of those days?' Antonio looked at him 'Fine... Yes, I feel the same way.' he grumpily looked away.

'So I think you deserve to know this. Ever since we were no longer young boys I...' he trailed off, his mind went blank, he didn't know what to say.

'Hurry up and tell me!'

'Lovino I... I don't know how to say this but...' he sighed, he didn't know how to tell him. 'I've always lo... Look I need more time to think I'll tell you when I'm ready.'

He was about to stand and walk home but Lovino pulled him down. He swore for the third time today.

'Why do you think I walk a mile to see you every day? Why do you think I chose to help you over my grandfather?' Lovino know what Antonio was going to say when he began stammering.

He had heard that these types of people were treated horribly, inhumanely, they were even killed. But he didnt care. He loved him.

They both leaned closer and kissed.

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