Chapter 13

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'We are not in love.' Those words came out loud and clear and everyone heard it. Ludwig said that a minute after the conversation ended so it was clear that he had thought about it.

'I was keeping his hands warm because he was complaining.' Even though Ludwig's voice wavered and he refused to look anyone in the eye. Those simple yet meaningful words hurt Feliciano more than he had expected.

'Of course we aren't. I'm sorry for complaining, I really didn't know that I was annoying you...' Feliciano stepped further away from Ludwig and looked at the ground.

He didn't mean to irritate people, it was just a feature of his personality.

'We were just teasing, dude.' Alfred sounded very serious and out of character, 'We wouldn't tell the government even if you were in love.'

He looked around for confirmation from the rest of the group and everyone seemed to agree.

After that there was a long silence and they decided to make their way back to the house as the sun hang low in the sky and everyone seemed hungry. That comment hurt Ludwig just as much as it hurt Feliciano but it was for his own good. In a homophobic world, you can't trust anyone.

And it wasn't exactly a lie either, they weren't technically in love, despite how much he wanted them to be. He just hoped it hadn't hurt his chances with him. What was he thinking? Feliciano didn't like him. He had seen him talking girls when they were on a day out with the society. Ludwig tried to put that idea to rest.

'Ow...' the small noise escaped Feliciano's mouth, quite by accident, just loud enough for Ludwig to hear.

'What is it?' Ludwig sounding tired and sighing slightly.

'It's nothing, I'm sorry.'

'No what is it?' Ludwig sounded angrier this time and Feliciano jumped.

'I um-I... my feet hurt...'

Ludwig sighed yet again before bending his knees to signify a piggyback.

'Thank you Ludwig!' He jumped onto Ludwig's back and was carried the rest of the way home.

By the time they had reached he house, the sun had set and it had started raining. They actually jogged the rest of the way home to escape the downpour. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful and they arrived at the house out of breath and soaking.

Luckily, Feliciano was mostly dry apart from his head and legs, because he was shielded by Ludwig's thick jacket.

Ludwig however was not as fortunate because the horizontal rain was in his direction and had caught all of his clothes. His hair was a mess and Feliciano remembered that it looked the same that morning, but quite the opposite of what Ludwig thought, he believed he looked just as handsome with his messy hair as he did with it slicked back.

They went inside and walked drearily into the front room. Hercules and Kiku made a fire in the hearth and they all sat down on the sofa to dry off. The rain pounded on the old thin windows and Feliciano could have sworn he heard thunder. The leaves and grass that were crisp with frost that morning, were by this time soggy.

Ludwig went off to change out of his clothes as he was the only one without a coat. Elisaveta also left to make dinner. And since Arthur wasn't allowed to cook because he always set the kitchen on fire, he had brought enough tea for the days that they were away for, so he set the kettle up with Alfred making sure things don't go wrong.

Kiku and Hercules were playing with the kitten they somehow snuck in and Ivan and Yao were talking. Feliciano would go over to the cat, because it was very cute, but he decided to gaze out of the window and watch for thunder.

He didn't know what to do, as there was quite claps in the distance. Usually, he would sleep with Lovino back at home, but there hasn't been a thunderstorm in England yet. He guessed he had to stay in Ludwig's bed, but he didn't know if he would allow that.

Just before Feliciano began to plan what to say, Ludwig himself walked down the stairs in a black long sleeve top and gray pajama bottoms. The soft glow of the fire only increased his looks.

Feliciano jumped from a loud crash of thunder and quickly skuttled over to Ludwig and buried his face in his chest.

'L-Ludwig I'm scared of the thunder and lightning, I'm sorry...'

'There's nothing to worry about, the thunder and the lightning is natural and you should not be afraid of it.' Ludwig's English slipped slightly by the shock of having to comfort Feliciano. He gripped his shoulders and gently leaned his cheek on the top of his head.

Feliciano looked up causing Ludwig to move his head and look down. Feliciano's amber eyes sparkled in the firelight and his smile was wide and contagious.

'Thank you Ludwig, I'm still scared but not as much now.'

They went on to have dinner and the thunder claps got louder and louder. Feliciano sat on Ludwig's lap and jumped whenever one struck. Feliciano ate his pasta very slowly because lightning flashed frequently.

'Come on Feliciano, hurry up and finish, I'm tired.' Ludwig sounded desperate and impatient.

Ludwig complaining? That never happened. Feliciano did not want to disappoint him so he ate as fast as he could, noticing they were the last ones at the table.

He finished up and put his plate in the sink.

'Um... Ludwig? Can I sleep in your bed tonight? I just won't be able to sleep, I'll be too scared and-'

'Of course you can.' Ludwig said, wiping a bit of stray pasta sauce off Feliciano's nervous face, 'let's go upstairs.'

They went upstairs and got into bed, assuming the same position they did that morning, Ludwig protectively squeezing Feliciano whenever lightning crashed.

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