Chapter 8

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Arthur thanks the red-haired man for letting him borrow the house before taking the keys and unlocking the house. The man takes one more puff on his cigarette, Stubbs it out in the ground, and walks to his car, about to leave.

Feliciano didn't pay much attention to the man because he was staring in awe of the huge mansion that stood before him. It was possibly the biggest house he had ever seen since he had always lived in the poor countryside and used to live in a cosy two bedroom cottage.

He was so exited to explore the entirety and get to know the house inside and out. 'Ludwig, Ve~ Ludwiiig, Ludwiig, Ludwiiiiiig!' He exaggerated the I and realised that may have sounded whiney, because he remembered Lovino always hated that tone. He looked up at the tall German, not at all feeling intimidated by his sheer size, expecting to see his eyebrows creased and annoyance in his eyes. But instead he saw kindness and a glimmer of surprise.

'Yes- I mean,' he looked around the group of people, some of which were looking back at him, 'What are you asking me about now, please ask more directly and don't be irritating.' He growled harshly, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his slightly wavering voice. Feliciano jumped at his mean reply.

'I'm so sorry! Please don't hit me! I only wanted to see if you would like to explore the house with me,' he immediately surrendered, not wanting to cause any trouble. He felt slightly disappointed and sad, although he was not sure why.

'Nien! We must unpack first.'

'But... But what about food... I'm so hungry...' Feliciano wined once more.

'Don't worry, I'll make dinner tonight. I brought my wok especially.' Yao seemed eager to get cooking, as it was late, and so they all trailed inside.

The inside of the grand house was just as, if not more, magnificent than the outside. The interior matched the exterior. The glossy wooden floor was polished and without a speck of dirt. The red trim walls had fancy swirly patterns on it and the miniature chandler that hung directly above a mahogany table was glimmering and gold.

'Not to be rude or anything, dude, but this house is so big, where are our bedrooms?' Arthur's friend, Alfred, suddenly said loudly, a couple of seconds after we walked in, breaking the silence.

'I will show you to your rooms. Come with me.' Arthur glanced briefly at Alfred, only to be met with his shining eyes.

Feliciano couldn't wait to see their room, so he pulled Ludwig along by the arm as they walked behind Arthur through grand hallways and up stairs. They came to the end of one particularly long corridor, just after Kiku and Hercules were shown to their room. Feliciano was bobbing up and down in excitement as the bushy eyebrows man opened the door for them.

Ahead of the trio was a big room with the same planks as the entrance room. It had large windows and dark green curtains with a gold trim, matching the pale green walls that had stripes and little diamonds covering it. Feliciano turned towards the beds, which were also green, to match the theme. Huge double beds with pillars and curtains that could be drawn. To the sides of the beds was a mahogany cupboard and chest of drawers. There was even a nightstand for each side of the queen sized bed. A small gasp escaped Feliciano's smiling mouth as he ran in and flung himself on the left hand bed. The other one was opposite and to the right.

Feliciano sunk easily into the soft comfy bed, and he could probably fall asleep, if it weren't for the grumbling in his stomach. He heard footsteps and he opened his eyes, which he didn't realise he was closing, and saw Ludwig already unpacking, his suitcase on his bed. Feliciano didn't want to bother him, so he took the chance to look around the room in further detail.

There was a double door that opened out onto a small balcony, and a writing desk on Feliciano's part of the room. On Ludwig's half, instead of there being another writing desk, there was a small bookshelf. Above that bookshelf was a painting of a beautiful water scene, the sun was setting and making a section of the water mimic the dazzling Amber of the sun.

'Aren't you going to unpack.' Feliciano was drawn swiftly from his thoughts by Ludwig's deep, heavily accented voice.

'But I'm too hungry to unpack...' Feliciano whined.

Ludwig sighed in response, walking over and unlatching Feliciano's suit case to discover his various sketches and his beloved sketchbook. Feliciano looked to Ludwig, instantly drawn to his sparkling eyes, widening in surprise and curiosity.

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