Chapter 25

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He sat on the sofa in his apartment holding his large and now cold tub of spaghetti bolognese. He had made it especially for the surprise party. Feliciano yawned and rubbed his eyes. He had been waiting for someone to come over since eight and it was now half nine and he was giving up hope.

He felt as though everyone was lying to him, just because they didn't want to upset him.

He was completely alone, as Alfred had gone to Arthur's and Matthew had gone to Francis'. Sitting in the dark with only the streetlights filtering through the thin closed curtains to light the room was scary, yet relaxing.

Feliciano sat for another five minutes before giving up and going to bed. The only problem being that he couldn't sleep. He rolled around his small single bed restlessly, not feeling sleepy anymore.

His attention span soon grew thin and Feliciano got up. He stood for a second, before checking the time again.


He thought for a moment.

There were two choices; one, was to go back to bed, and two was to go to Ludwig's house anyway.

The second option seemed more appealing as that was his plan from the start and he could not get to sleep, so he picked up the tub and walked out the door, forgetting the keys.

The walk to Ludwig's took approximately fifteen minutes, even though it should have only taken five. Feliciano was bad at taking directions, but even still, he was proud of himself when he arrived at the front door of his flat.

Feliciano paused. Wondering weather he should go home and just see Ludwig tomorrow.

Before he could make that decision however, his hand uncontrollably made a fist and knocked on the door lightly. To Feliciano's surprise, the door swung open slightly at his touch.

Feliciano stopped for a second time, debating weather to go in or not.

And yet again, the decision was made for him when there was a loud crash sounding from inside the flat.

Feliciano shook. What if there was a burglar? He would have to be silent. The young man felt scared.

He pushed open the door until it was fully open to reveal a mess. Books on the floor, smashed glasses, broken ornaments and papers strewn everywhere. Feliciano had to tread carefully to avoid stepping on anything.

He spotted a half broken lamp. He quietly picked it up for defence, just in case. There was another crash clearly coming from the bathroom that led off from the living room and he followed the noise to an open door which he entered with caution.

There was a tall dark figure standing in front of what seemed like the medicine cabinet. Feliciano prepared to take a swing at the shadow when he stepped on broken glass. Luckily, his foot was fine, since the soles were thick, but he made a noise which made the figure turn around.

In the dim light, Feliciano could just make out messy blonde hair, blue eyes and a fistful of large pills.

'L - Ludwig?' Feliciano could already feel the tears brewing in his eyes as he was not innocent enough to not know what the pills were for.

Ludwig instantly dropped the tablets and took Feliciano into a hug.

'Ludwig, wh - why did you-'

Ludwig squeezed the Italian, choking out incoherent words through his sobs.

'Ludwig, what happened, is your brother alright? Why did you have those... pills?'

'Feliciano I didn't mean to... you shouldn't be here.' Ludwig managed to spit out those words, still crying into Feliciano's hair.

They stood in silence like that for a couple of seconds.

'I thought you were a burglar.' Feliciano gasped a ghost of a laugh through his own tears, smiling sadly into the man's chest.

Feliciano pulled back from Ludwig's hug.

'I - I love you too.'

Ludwig took a step back while shaking his head. 'No, no. I shouldn't have gotten you into this, I shouldn't have said that.'

'B - but-' Feliciano got broken off by Ludwig leaning in and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

'You must leave.' Ludwig pushed his hair up, only to have it flop down again. 'I don't want you to get hurt.'

'No. I will not leave. I need to help you... I need to be with you.'

Ludwig brushed Feliciano's hair out of his eyes.

'I... I brought pasta, we can talk if you like...'

Ludwig just smiled sadly at Feliciano's sheer cuteness. He took his face in his hands and kissed him gently.

'We can work this out, Luddy.' Feliciano was grinning now, a blush littering his cheeks.

Ludwig chuckled softly at the words and how silly they sounded. 'Pasta sounds good.'

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