Chapter 22

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Ludwig sat by his brother, not knowing what to say. He just held his hand as tightly as he could muster so Gilbert would not tell that he was shaking so violently. His grandfather stood over them and Roderich held his other hand softer, drawing small circles onto his pale skin.

Greetings were not needed, neither was conversation, they just sat in silence.

Ludwig glanced up at Roderich. He was crying. Tears rolling down his cheeks and noiselessly absorbed into the handkerchief that he clasped over his mouth. He was usually so proud of himself and acted like he was an over dramatical spoiled cat. So seeing him so week and vulnerable made Ludwig surprised.

He finally mustered up the courage to look down at his brother.

Gilbert was paler than ever. The only signs that he was alive were the slow and uneven rising and falling of his chest and his jerky reactions to Roderich's hand. There was no spark in his red eyes that had been present the last time they had seen each other.

They all knew this day would come. Gilbert had been diagnosed with terminal skin cancer almost a year ago and doctors predicted he would only live for six months. Since there was no option for chemotherapy as he was an outcast from society and he couldn't go to normal hospitals, his doctors were astounded by his will to cling to life.

Gilbert was once a brave and powerful leader in the rebel force, working undercover to collect information to eventually bring the government down from the inside out. Gilbert was the assistant leader and he would go out in the field instead of the Boss. He was also seen as a hero to most families of the rebellion. A strong confident man who would hold his partner by the hand during meetings.

But there were dirty rats in the force. A chink in their almost perfect armour. Soon, all of the members mysteriously vanished, and they didn't run away either. There were rumours that they would torture everyone they caught until they spat names.

His brother was one of the lucky few to be told to run before it was too late. He was even luckier to have trusted the person.

Suddenly, Gilbert broke the silence by coughing. It was barely a wheeze and it sounded like a cough that came from an old man.

'I... I...' Gilbert gasped for air as if his lungs were collapsing. He was like a fish gulping air.

Their grandfather span around and walked to the hall, 'We need a doctor!'

'It's ok, don't worry, take your time.' The rising hysteria was growing in Roderich's voice. He could see the heartbreak in Roderich's eyes, not wanting the other part of him to be in pain. They gripped each other's hands and tears fell from Roderich to Gilbert when the brown haired man stood up and put his face over the other's.

Ludwig let go of his brother's hand and stood up, pushing his chair back and making it squeal on the wooden floors. He looked in horror as his brother was still gasping for air.

Gilbert's eyelids were fluttering in a frantic fight to stay awake. His hand gripped the duvet in a false hope that muscle tension would keep him alive.

His breathing grew rugged, his blinking slowed and his grip released from the covers.

'No, no, no...' Roderich cupped Gilbert's cheeks and he pressed their foreheads together as if he was trying to give his life to Gilbert so he could survive.

There was a sudden bustle from outside the room and a doctor came rushing in and harshly pushed a now yelling Roderich away from a now unconscious Gilbert.

The blonde doctor checked his pulse quickly, before gesturing everyone to move away. He then began the process of CPR, mouthing the numbers of times he had pushed on Gilbert's chest.

The next few minutes were close to torture as they watched the doctor hopelessly yet relentlessly try to resurrect Gilbert. Ludwig had his arm around Roderich so as to quiet and comfort him as his grandfather loomed over, an almost emotionless expression on his face.

The doctor finally stood up straight again and checked the poor Gilbert's pulse.

He shook his head slowly.

'I am so sorry. There is nothing else I can do.'

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