039 》i promise

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• so far away // mary lambert •

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• so far away // mary lambert •

Jax caught Kaede as she walked out of the bathroom, chuckling at when he saw her. "Did you splash water on your face before you walked out?" he asked, wiping his thumb under her left eye to rid her of the smudged mascara.

She sighed, smiling up at him. "Thanks." She looked around, spotting her parents again. "I—I should talk to them, right? Yeah, I should talk to them," she rambled and stuttered the words out.

"Do you want to wait a minute?" he offered, still holding her arm.

She paused, looking over Jax's shoulder to see Sherry and Sawyer. Then she shook her head. "I can't exactly avoid it all night." He nodded to her, telling her that he'd stay back if she wanted. She quickly told him otherwise. "No, please come with me."

"Alright, I'll be right beside you. As soon as they piss you off, let me know, and we are gone."

She thanked him with a soft chuckle and stared off at her parents who were happily greeting the family. "Can you hold my hand?" she asked quietly, not meeting his eyes. His hand instantly slid down her arm to intertwine their fingers.

His kissed her temple, urging her to take a step, and muttering 'come on, sweetheart.' The two made their way around the tables and stopped in front of Kaede's parents. Sawyer saw her first, tapping Sherry's shoulder to grab her attention.

Her mother gasped when she saw Kaede, smiling widely and walking forward. "Kaedie, dear. How are you?" Sherry asked, wrapping her thin arms around Kaede's shoulder in a half-assed attempt at a hug.

"I'm good, Mom," Kaede smiled, though Jax knew it to be fake. "How have you been?"

"Oh, just wonderful. Your father is doing quite well with his work," she praised, putting a hand on Sawyer's shoulder.

"Congrats, Dad."

"Thanks, kiddo," he said. Jax could practically feel the awkward tension.

"And who's this young man? Fitz says you've got a boyfriend now?" Sherry said, looking over at Jax, whose hand had moved to Kaede's back.

"Um, this is Jax. Jax, this is Sherry and Sawyer."

"Well, you've certainly done well for yourself, Kaedie. Aren't you handsome?" Sherry cooed, in a way that made Jax feel like a fourteen-year-old.

"It's nice to meet you both," Jax said, shaking hands with Kaede's parents.

"What do you do, Jax?" Sawyer asked in an authoritative voice.

"I'm an artist."

"That's a little difficult to make work, isn't it?" he asked.

Jax tightly smiled, and Kaede reached behind her to hold his hand, knowing how deeply he felt about someone questioning his choice of career. "I get by."

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