030 》their names

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• home // edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros •

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• home // edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros •

"Wake. The. Fuck. Up!" Kaede emphasized every word with a smack of her pillow on Jax's body.

"Alright! Geez, I'm up!" he shouted, preparing his arms to block the next attack. "What's happening?"

"It's after 4PM. We slept six fucking hours. Let's go!" she rushed into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and hair.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't realize how tired I was," he said, walking toward the bathroom. Jax stopped at the doorway and stared at her expectantly. She had her toothbrush in her mouth, unable to speak, therefore waved her arms in question. "I need to pee. Can you move?" he asked, gesturing to the toilet behind her.

She mumbled an apology, stepping out long enough for him to use the washroom. Once he was out, she ran back in to rinse her mouth. Jax rubbed his eye with the back of his hand as he yawned, grabbing the toothbrush he'd put in the cabinet behind her bathroom mirror. He began brushing his teeth when he walked into the living room, leaning against the couch and watching Kaede run around her bedroom.

"Have you not packed yet?" Jax asked, muffled by the toothpaste in his mouth.

"Obviously not!" she shouted, running from her dresser to her closet, back to her dresser. He went back into the bathroom to rinse his mouth, then heard Kaede cry out. "Jesus, fuck!" she exclaimed after stubbing her toe on her bed frame.

Jax quickly went to her side, helping her sit on the floor. He pulled her head to his chest as her eyes watered and her bottom lip quivered. Knowing she was stronger than to let a stubbed toe bring enough pain to cause tears, he realized what her real troubles were.

"You're stressing out, sweetheart. You need to calm down," he said, running his hand over her hair. "I know it's easier said than done, but that's what I'm here for, okay?"

She nodded her head, rubbing her eyes to cease the tears falling. "I know. I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," he objected, shaking his head. "Listen to me. Whenever you feel yourself freaking out, or feel like you're losing yourself... just squeeze my hand. I'll keep you grounded."

She grabbed his hand, holding tightly and feeling herself relax in his arms.


Less than an hour later, they had their bags in Kaede's Prius and drove off toward the highway.

"I cannot believe you're making me drive," Kaede said from the driver's seat.

Jax chuckled from beside her. "Driving your little car around all the time is calling my masculinity into question."

Kaede laughed loudly, "What masculinity? You paint my toenails for me, you cook muffins, you fell asleep cuddling my cat the other night!"

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