016 》not helping

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• not on drugs // tove lo •

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• not on drugs // tove lo •

"Did you hear that?" Kaede asked, craning her neck to look behind them at the doors.

Jax rolled his eyes, looking at the brunette to his right. "The movie? Yes, I did, but someone keeps talking."

"No, dumbass, outside. I could've sworn I heard—" She was cut off by what sounded like a faint voice, followed by static. "A walkie-talkie."

"Shit, we've got to go." The two jumped from their seats, grabbing their coats. Jax swiftly picked up Kaede's purse as they navigated through the rows of chairs.

"Dude, the semester is over in two weeks, I cannot go to prison," she said in a hushed tone with wide eyes.

"Oh, calm down, they would 100% not throw us in prison."

"Okay, you're right. You're right," she mumbled as she rambled.

"They'd send us to jail—there's no way they'd give us more than a year."

"Not helping."

They crawled to the projection booth as the security guard walked in. Kaede quickly hit the power button on the projector, darkening the room. The only source of light came from the incredibly tall guard's flashlight.

"Anyone in there? Over," asked a voice from the talkie.

"Nah, man. I must've been hearing things. Over," explained the guard's deep voice.

Kaede had the intention of distracting the guard long enough for her and Jax to sneak off. So, she grabbed the closest object she could find—which happened to be a remote control—and threw it out the small window into the rows of chairs. The remote made a loud noise when it hit the floor, prompting the security guard to let out a shrill scream. The two in the booth had a hard time trying not to laugh at the burly man.

"Craig, you okay? Over."

"This some freaky ass horror movie shit! I'm getting the fuck outta here!" Craig shouted as he ran from the lecture hall.

Kaede and Jax took that as their window and sprinted for the doors. They ran around the school, Jax following as closely behind as possible given that he had no idea how to get around the school. Soon enough, they were being chased by two overweight guards trying to catch them. They hid, throwing objects, and making noise in opposite directions to distract the guards.

Right as they made it through the outer doors, Jax tried to keep running, only to find that his jacket was caught in the door.

"Go! You have to leave me, save yourself," he said, reaching his arm out dramatically.

Kaede groaned loudly at his antics. "You fucking idiot, let's go! This is not a goddamn slasher flick," she shouted as she pushed the door open to free him.

In the end, they had managed to escape the building and bolted to Kaede's car. She was much faster than Jax, which surprised him a little as he struggled to keep up. Once they reached the Prius, they took a moment as they both panted, trying to breathe normally again. From the passenger's seat, Jax started laughing, making Kaede raise an eyebrow at him.

"'Yeah, Jax, it should be safe,'" he mimicked in a higher voice.

She laughed then, too. "Keyword: should. I had no idea they had overnight security. It's a fucking university, who's breaking in?"

"Students trying to take advantage of their supposedly unattended lecture halls and big screens," he suggested. "By the way, how the fuck are you so fast?"

She shrugged with a smirk as she started the car to drive them back home, "I ran track in high school." 

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