The Winter Solstice Part 2

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Lillian was back in the control room when they passed through the blockade, "Okay... Your Prince Flame brain has gone crazy! He's gonna get us all arrested or worse... Executed." Crest moaned as he held his throat. Lillian rolled her eyes and hugged him, "Thanks for the help." Crest nodded, " Has he given any orders?" Lillian asked as she rolled her shoulder's, " No, all I know is that Zhao was on the ship that gave the order's to attack us and to kill their engines." Crest said as he leaned against the wall, "Lilly, you need to watch out for yourself, what if I wasn't there? Prince Boy doesn't seem to care about your safety." the door to the control room burst open "I Do Care about her safety!" Zuko's angry voice boomed in the room as he barged in. Crest straightened and stared at the angry fire bender, "You should watch your tongue!" Crest was about to say something but Lillian cut him off, "Enough!" Both boys stared at Lillian in shock, " You! YOU need to focus on the safety of this crew when pulling stunts like that! If Crest hadn't helped me I would still be on the edge of the ship!" She yelled as she poked Zuko in his chest, "And YOU need to Learn respect! Countless on who they are, if they have a title, you address them to that title!" Lillian growled as she poked Crest. Both boys looked at each other, "Am I clear?" Lillian growled, both boys shook their heads, "Good!, now Zuko, what's your plan on us not getting captured and uh... Executed?" Lillian said as her eyes fell on Crest. Zuko's lips pulled up into a small smile.

Lillian paced the deck besides Iroh and Crest who were surprisingly enjoying a game of Pai sho. All the other crew member's had gone to assist with repairs all over the ship, " My Dear, would you please sit down. " Iroh asked as he gestured towards the pillow beside him, " How can I relax uncle when Zhao is on that island with over 400 men?" Lillian argued. "Lilly you just need to-" Crest stopped mid sentence when he saw Lillian's scars glowing, "Uh...Lilly?" Lillian shut her eyes, "My back is on fire!" She groaned as she fell to her knees, "The avatar... he needs you." Crest said as he helped her up, " But why is my crystal not glowing? I gave him the feather." Crest studied Lillian's back, "It's not Avatar Aang calling you... it's-"  "Avatar Roku" Lillian gasped as she felt the ship sway from a harsh wave of fire. 

Lillian ran into her room and grabbed her outfit that she got from her brother's when the were in Nenrei, "I'm coming Zuko..." Lillian whispered. Lillian was dressed and ran off the side of the ship while Crest and Iroh had everyone inside. The flames circled Lillian's body as she released her wings and soared over the water. She flew to the top of the tower where she had seen an opening.

"Ready!!!!" Zhao's voice echoed through the room, "NO!!! AANG!" Katara yelled as two marble doors opened revealing glowing eyes, "FIRE!!!" Zhao ordered. All the soldier's sent a blazing stream of fire at the Avatar but Lillian landed in front of the Avatar, before the fire touched her, she controlled it to form a fire sphere and trapped herself inside of it. All the sages in the room gasped at the site of a Tenshi, "How? I thought they were extinct!!!" Zhao yelled in fear as he watched the fire dance around the figure with great white wings. Suddenly, Lillian ate all the flames allowing her to absorb the power of the sun, "Thanks for the snack guys, but I don't think the Avatar and I can stay for desert." Lillian said behind her mask which thankfully muffled her voice. Lillian stepped out of the way as Avatar Roku's spirit took form, "Time to fly!" Lillian said as she flew around the room. Lillian flew passed a pillar and saw that Katara, Sokka and a fire sage were chained to it, "Help!" Yelled Katara as she made eye contact with the Tenshi, Lillian broke the chains with her bare hands, "You need to get out of here!" Lillian yelled. Katara nodded and took off, Lillian turned and stood face to face with the great Commander Zhao, "Your not real!" He yelled as he raised his fists in defense, " I am as real as you!" Lillian felt that this wasn't the right time to get pay back, "Leave now and I will not harm you!" Lillian yelled as she approached the window where she came in through, "You will stay or I will kill him!" Zhao roared, Lillian turned to see Zuko tied up against a pillar with Zhao keeping a fire bending stance, " Your a fool to challenge a Tenshi..." Lillian whispered as she began marching towards Zhao. Zhao stepped back in fear, "Leave NOW!!!" Lillian roared allowing her to wings open making her seem much bigger. Zhao stumbled back in fear and after a few seconds, he ran away. Zuko's eyes were full of fear too as the Tenshi walked towards him. Lillian took hold of the chain and broke it in half, " You must leave now Prince!" Zuko's eyes widened, "How did you kno-" "Your Scar... Now LEAVE!" And with that Lillian soared out of the window towards the ship.

Lillian stood before her mirror in her room staring at her reflection. She kept thinking about what everyone thought who and what a Tenshi was. The fear in all those men's eyes tortured her dreams, their voices rang in her ears, 'Tenshi! Flying men! Freaks! Enemies!' "Argh!" Lillian punched the mirror, her fist flew right through the glass. She watched as all the time pieces shattered to the floor and how the tiny streaks of blood began dripping from her hand. Lillian's door swung open, "Lilly are you alri-" Zuko burst in but paused at the sight before him. Lillian stood before an empty frame of where a mirror once stood, "I'm fine." Zuko stepped in and closed the door, "Here let me see." Zuko whispered as he took her bleeding hand, "Just a few cuts, I slipped and my hand fell through the mirror. Clumsy me." Lillian said in a bored tone. Zuko didn't say a word as he examined her hand, he stood up and found a spare bandage on her table, "You need to be more careful." Zuko whispered as he wrapped her hand up, "Zuko? Can you promise me something?" Lillian said as she stared at the bandage, Zuko nodded his head, "Promise me that next time you will think before you act. today was..." "stupid." Zuko finished her sentence, Lillian had a small smile, "yeah, really stupid." Zuko returned her smile, "I promise." He whispered as he stood up, "Lilly?" Lillian laid down on her bed, "Yeah?" Lillian said as she yawned, "Thanks for sticking with a Prince Flame Brain like myself." Zuko mumbled as he walked out of her room. Lillian allowed a small giggle to escape her lips, " Always..." Lillian whispered as Zuko fully closed her door. 


The END!!


Let me know what you think!

Remember to vote and comment and oh yeah... Comment, i love reading comment's and requests and answering questions!!!

Oh! And if anyone has some awesome Zuko fan art to share, please don't be shy. I want to post some. It can be with your own character or just of zuko that you did yourself.

Darkninja out!

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