Chapter 27: Giving It Up

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Could this really happen? Could Haku still go back into the spirit world with his magic being gone? So many thought raced through his mind. The softness of Chihiro’s hand in his, the wind and energy he felt when they passed the barrier from the human world to the spirit world, and he still had the taste of Chihiro on his lips. He smiled of the thought of that. It couldn’t have been better, it was everything he had wanted and it was only a kiss. And to think of the other things they could do too. He shook his head. He was finally with Chihiro but he could not let this distract him.

             They entered the spirit world with ease and Haku was surprised. It shouldn’t be this easy. “Chihiro we should probably try to find Lin or Kamaji.” She nodded back to him, her face still rosy. He grabbed her hand this time and lead her in the right direction. He knew she probably remembered where, but he just wanted to do it for some reason.

             They got to the boiler room and Kamaji sat there working and the soot balls were being fed by Lin. Haku could feel Chihiro tense up her body when she saw them and he figured she wanted to run up to both of them, but she knew it wasn’t something that you just do. Haku cleared his throat. “Lin.” The tall girl looked up.

             “There you are. Everybody’s been looking for you Haku. Where have you been?”

             “Ah, it’s kinda a long story. Bu-“

             “Did something happen to you Haku? You look different.”

             “Yeah. Something did happen.” He moved to the side and unveiled Chihiro. Lin’s mouth fell.

             “Chihiro…?” The girl behind him nodded. Lin walked up to her and embraced the girl in her strong arms. “Man, you’ve definitely have grown a couple inches.” Lin looked at Haku and smiled. “I can tell you guys are really happy together.” And with that she jumped up and down and clapped her hands.

             “But Lin, there are a few things we need to talk about. Now.”


“Uh oh…” Kamaji laughed, “Come over here and give me a hug!” He opened his arms up to the girl.

Chihiro ran to him and hugged him tightly. The little balls of soot jumped all around her as she laughed and played with them. “Oh… I’ve missed you guys…” Chihiro had happy tears falling from her eyes.

“Oh don’t cry.” Kamaji wiped the tears away with one of his many hands.

“So……” Lin drug out the “o” sound, “Haku, what do we need to talk about?”

He cleared his throat, “You may want to sit down.” Haku walked across the soot ball’s area and then sitting on the wood flooring in front of Kamaji. Chihiro sat next to him and Lin sat down before them with Kamaji above her.

“I am human.” Haku stated simply.

“Excuse me?” Lin asked.

“I am human. I gave up my powers.” Haku took a moment to explain the ordeal with No Face. “I have to leave the spirit world.” Haku then explained how when his magic left him it spoke to him.

“I have heard of that before. It’s a very powerful thing,” Kamaji added. “It is rare and only happens when the magic truly, deep loves it’s master and doesn’t want to be away from them.”

Haku looked at Kamaji with awe and a joyous look crossed his face. “I’m glad to hear that. I want to be with Chihiro,” He grabbed her hand, “ But I like knowing my magic will be waiting for me.” Haku looked over to Lin who was sitting there with her arms crossed at her chest. “Lin…?” Haku questioned.

“How could you?” Her voice was cold. “You know how bad some of us want to get out of here. We have only been here because of you. You are the best master any of us could have asked for!” large tears where streaming from her eyes. “

“L-Lin…” Haku reached out to her and she glared at his hand. “I never look at myself as anyone’s master. I was just in charge. I understand you are upset but-“


“Lin…. Let the boy finish.” Kamaji put a hand on her shoulder.

“Thank you,” Haku nodded to the man, “I am going to the human world with Chihiro. I want to see what it has become. But after time… if we get bored or don’t have anything else to do… We’ll come back.” Haku looked at Chihiro making sure what he said was okay because he had not discussed it with her.

Chihiro nodded, “Yes. I want to introduce him to my parents. Show him the wonders of the human world. But once he starts to see the horrors I want to leave. I never want to go through those things again… and I never want him to go through them.”

Haku nodded, “Yes. So see. We will be back. It may be years from now but. We will be back. So in the time we are gone. Someone needs to run thee bathhouse.”

“No.” Lin interjected but Haku continued.

“I want you-“


“Lin I want you to be head of the bathhouse until I come back.” Haku stated quickly before she could interrupt him again.

“How I don’t have magic?” Lin glared.

“I trust you so I will allow you to have some of my magic that left me.” Haku smiled.

“I don’t believe this!” Lin fell back from her sitting position. “I can’t say no can I?”

“Not really. Because if you do the job will go to a toad…”

“I’ll do it.” Lin stated dully.

Chihiro was smiling as she listened to the conversation. She couldn’t believe how close they had gotten. They were friends now, and close friends at that. It was a great thing to see.

“Kamaji can help you get some of my magic. One thing. I am not having a big going away thing. I am just leaving. I want you guys to tell them. Tell them I promise I will be back with Chihiro at my side.”

“I don’t understand… why?” Lin asked.

“I don’t know. It just feels like it’s the best way to leave. By promising that I’ll be back.” Haku looked around the room and then said, “I think it’s time we leave.”

Chihiro nodded.

“I put the house in your hands.” Haku smiled with a wink as he and Chihiro made their way to the large door hand in hand.

“What a jerk…” Lin sighed as she stood up and stretched watching the two love birds walk away back to the human world together. 

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