Chapter 14: The Explanation

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Chihiro looked at the ground, not wanting to explain herself at all. “Haku, I’m so sorry.” She whispered.

             “What did you, love?” She shook her head.

             “I’m so ashamed. I can’t tell you. You’re totally going to think of me different and I don’t want that.” Haku looked at her.

             “Chihiro, you can tell me anything. I’m not going to judge you or anything. Please….tell me.” She let out a shaky breath.

             “Haku, whatever I say, I just want you to know, I love you. I love you more than words can express.” She explained to him what happened today. Half way through telling the story, tears streamed down her face. By the end, uncontrollable sobs racked through her body. “Haku, you have to understand. Ever since I left seven years ago, I’ve been a very unemotional mess. I haven’t felt a lot, and no one has touched me. I don’t even mean sexually. Like, I don’t even get hugs. A nice hug would be perfect, but I haven’t gotten one in six years. Just that fact to be held and cared for made me feel okay. But it was you I thought of.” Haku stared at the ground the whole time. “I just…you know what? I can’t do this anymore.” She wiped away the tears and turned around.

             “No, Chihiro, come back. I need time to process all of this.” She glanced back.

             “Haku, I love you. I am madly, truly, deeply in love with you and I have been since I was ten. I need something. Some kind of reinforcement that you still care.” Haku, shook his head, his body shaking.

             “Chihiro, you shouldn’t need any reinforcement. You should know by the connection we have, that when something bad happens to either one of us, the other feels it. If we didn’t care for each other, we wouldn’t feel the things we do.” She nodded her head. “Please don’t worry. I’m going to find a way to break down this barrier, piece by piece and we will be together. Forever. And you will get all the attention you could possibly ask for. That is my promise to you.”


Chihiro stood there crying, “I don’t deserve you… yo—you are too good for me…”

Haku bit his lip hard to stop himself from crying. “Chihiro… I. Love. You. I will never stop loving you. I understand th—“ he choked on his words, “That you need physical contact. I could never hate you because of something that small.” The magical atmosphere Haku had created was now fading as his emotions got the best of him.

They stood there in silence as the room changed back to normal and dust resettled into place. They both looked at the ground and Haku’s eyes flicked up and caught a glimpse of Chihiro’s wrist.

“Your wrist!?” He exclaimed loudly and pointed to it.

“Oh… I thought I felt the magic do something…” Chihiro said in a monotone voice and touched it with her right hand. The marks on her wrist were small but noticeable. There were two red lines of raised skin that circled her left wrist.

“They look like burns… I hope they don’t scar!” Haku reached out to touch her but the barrier stopped him again. “That’s it…. Chihiro… go hide behind that bench…” Haku’s voice was suddenly dark. Chihiro moved quickly to the bench and ducked behind it. She then yelled. “Haku what’s wrong!?”

“Stay down!” Haku stood a few feet away from the barrier and pushed all of his magic into one blow.

“This thing as GOT. TO. GO. I need to hug her. She needs me. I have to touch her!!!!” Haku thought as a huge bubble surround him and then popped.

Dust was ever where and Chihiro looked around to see if there was a difference. She saw Haku standing there breathing hard.

“Is it…?” She started to form a question.

Haku shook his head no. But then he pushed a shaky hand through the now grapefruit sized hole. A small smile spread cross his lips. 

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