Chapter 22: Waiting..And Waiting

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After a couple hours of laying there, Chihiro finally gave up and left. She walked back to her house and walked into her bathroom. She looked and there were bruises on her wrists and little marks on her neck. She put her head in her hands and leaned against the vanity in room. She wanted to cry, but she really couldn’t bring herself to. She had no emotions now.

She slept all day Saturday. She got little things from Haku, but she really couldn’t think straight. It was nothing but sleep, wake up, catch something he was saying, the more sleep. It just repeated all day. Not once did she get out of her bed. And she had no problem with that.

She finally thought it was time she acted like a normal human Sunday afternoon. She slowly uncovered herself from her blanket cocoon and stumbled down the stairs. She was dizzy and nothing was in focus. She was lacking food and water and just everything. She literally drank seven cups of water, but she wasn’t really hungry. She knew Haku wanted to see her, but she wasn’t in the mood. She didn’t really want to do anything. She wanted him to wait.


“Four days.. how was I so blind… how could I get so distracted. How long did she wait for me? Is she really that mad that she won’t ever come back?” Haku’s thoughts slowly crossed his mind as he stared lazily out the large window at the side of his office.  

Four days ago Haku was busy talking with Kaze and he lost track of time and before he realized it the sun was setting and he had never went to see Chihiro.

The last days went by slowly. He hadn’t left the barrier. He sat there with his magic focused on it, trying to find Chihiro. To make sure she was okay and mainly to make sure that she didn’t hate him for not showing up for one.

He had his eyes closed and he was sending his magic through the small hole trying to reach out to her. He would see her sleeping. Not moving and then she was gone.

Haku had stayed there for days until Kamaji sent Lin to get him because the old Boiler man was worried about him.

Now he sat at his desk not waiting to move. What had he done? Was it worth it? He thought it kind of was. At least he had found out some missing information on what had happened with Zeniba. Kaze had told him that she was really close to Zeniba. She was a dear friend to her and now she was gone. Kaze had told him, through tears, that No Face had gone crazy. Kaze said she had visited once while No Face was there and he seemed “odd” but not bad.  Kaze said he didn’t speak during her visit, he just sat and listened.

It was the last night she was there see noticed the amount of hairbands that lay randomly around the home. When Kaze had asked Zeniba about it she just smiled and shrugged lightly.

“She truly believed he was good. That he was just showing his thanks to Sen for helping him. but one day I guess he cracked. He ripped of his mask and started yelling about how he wanted Sen back and not Chihiro. Zeniba tried to calm him but nothing she did worked. No Face ended up tying her to a chair and attempted to use a form of black magic on her. They aren’t quite sure but the investigators are guessing that he tried to turn her into Chihiro…”

Kaze’s words echoed in Haku’s mind. Her soft voice rang so loud and clear.

“I wonder if No Face has tried to contact Chihiro?” Haku thought as he lifted his head. “That’s it. I;m going to the barrier…” With a push against his desk and a final thought he walked to the window, “Chihiro. I know you can hear this. Come to the barrier. I have a question. Please.”

This Magic Journey (A Spirited Away Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα