Chapter 9: A Farwell

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“83 years?” Wow, she thought. He didn’t look a day over 20. They talked for hours and Chihiro was finally snapped back into reality when the morning sun peaked through the clouds. “Oh crap!” She looked around grabbed her flashlight and looked back at Haku. He was now standing up looking at her with a concerned expression.

             “What’s wrong Chihiro?” She blushed then looked at the ground.

             “I didn’t realize what time it was. And it’s Friday. So I have school. And I have to go.” She looked at Haku. His expression fell as soon as her said that. “Haku! Don’t be upset. We can always meet back here. But you’re so worn out from using that magic. Go back and rest. And tell Lin, I’m doing okay! And I want to see her.” He nodded and placed his hand on the barrier. She did the same and then left.

Chihiro tried to sneak back into her house, and with it being probably almost 7 in the morning, she only have thirty minutes to sneak past and get dressed. She quietly opened the door and the wafting smell of bacon came through the room. Both of her parents were in the kitchen and she quickly skidded up the stairs and ran to her room. The door closed with a soft click. Chihiro quickly stripped off her old, dirty clothes and put on fresh clean ones. She flew down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. “There she is.” Her mother said. “We’d been worried something happened to you.”

             “Oh, no. I just accidentally over-slept.” She grabbed a couple pieces of bacon, then ran out the door. As she walked down their driveway to the bus stop, she thought, if only they knew. If only they knew.


Haku didn’t know how long he stood there staring after Chihiro. With it almost being morning in the human world that meant that night was coming and the bathhouse guests would be arriving so he should start heading back.  He knew he could, if he wanted to, change into his spirit form and fly but after using so much magic he didn’t think would be a good idea.

He started the long walk back to the town that lead to the bathhouse. As he walked the smile stayed apparent on his face. The smile wouldn’t and couldn’t leave his lips. This was a smile that only Chihiro could bring out of him.

“I wonder how school has been for her? How are her parents? Does she have many friends? She must she is so sweet and kind.” Haku’s thoughts where racing. They had talked for hours and yet it was still not enough time to learn all of the details he had lost over the seven year of her life. 

If only that barrier weren’t there. If it weren’t Haku would walk through that tunnel, like Yubaba and her baby did many years ago. Giving up their spirit forms and choosing to live in the human world as normal humans. Sometimes magic is good for a person and sometimes, it’s not. Yubaba was a prime example and she knew it was not good for her and her son so she decided to give it up.

Haku loved his magic but, for Chihiro, he would give anything.

Haku paused in his walking, he was now about to step out on the grass onto the cement leading up to the stairs and looked back. “How did you get there?” He asked the barrier. He knew it wouldn’t reply but it had just hit him that it would have taken a powerful spirit or magical being to do something that large and strong.

“I’ll have to ask around if any other spirits have left sense Yubaba because I know she didn’t put that barrier.” Haku thought as he slowly turned away from the building off in the distance.

The rest of his walk to the bathhouse went by in a blur because the spirits where rushing and loading the ships to take them to their place of pleasure. Once getting to the ocean Haku turned into this dragon from and flew the rest of the way to his office on the top floor.

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