Chapter 26: Reunited, For Good

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Chihiro stared at him for the longest time. Haku sat in front of her, live and awake and with no barrier. She got on her knees and crawled over to him. “Are you okay?” She asked in a tentative voice.

             “I should be fine.” He said, his voice cracking from lack of air or water. Chihiro put her hand up to him and this time it was him who was hesitant to connect their hands. But when they did, sparks flew. It only took a few moments before Chihiro literally jumped into his arms, both of the lying on the cold ground of the tunnel on the human side. “Haku!” She nearly shouted. Then she realized how close they were and she whispered his name. He chuckled, but it turned into a laugh and then before they knew it, they were in a laughing fit, neither being able to stop.

             It finally hit them that they were together. With each other. Haku looked deeply into her eyes. She looked away, blushing, never getting this wanted attention from anyone before. His hands slid up and down her arms, then up her shoulders, touching her chin. She leaned into his warm hand and sighed. His hand left her face and traveled back down her arm, running his fingers over the little raised up marks on her arms. She shivered when he touched them, as though they were always a private memory for her and her only. “I-I wish I could heal these, or make them go away. Or anything.” He said, but Chihiro only shook her head.

             “I don’t want these to disappear. I don’t want these to be forgotten also. I want these.” She looked up at Haku and smiled. “But thank you.” He nodded and looked away, his head down. Then he looked back at her. She felt his eyes move all over her face, taking in everything. They hadn’t seen each other in years or been able to touch each other. She knew he needed time, and she should be doing to same thing. Drinking in the feel of his skin, the color and shape of his eyes, the way his hair curled around his ears, but was actually shoulder length and beautiful. All she could think was please, please do something. Seeming to read her mind, he looked at her, his eyes wide. His hand moved from  her wrist to her head, cupping the back of her neck, his hand in her hair. He leaned forward, hesitant because of the things that had happened. The closer he got, Chihiro took in the way he smelled, like wind and old books. Soon they were so close they were almost touching, but not. Just hanging there in time, so close yet so far away. She knew what this was. This was him, letting her decide.


“This is it.” Chihiro thought as her eyes closed and she leaned in closer to Haku. She could feel his breath on her face his hand in her hair pulling her forward slightly. “After years of waiting, wanting, longing… we are finally going to…” Her thoughts faded away as she grabbed the front of his lose top and pulled their lips together.

Sparks. Butterflies. Magic. The soft feeling of Haku’s lips on hers was so different than Kao’s. This was her first kiss. This was what she would always remember. The feather like kiss that made her whole body grow warm.

Haku shook slightly as he moved his lips against Chihiro’s. Putting his hand deeper into Chihiro’s dark hair he pulled her closer and his lips started to move faster as their kiss’s intensity grew. Haku’s tongue quickly flicked across Chihiro’s lips, he earned a gasp from her and  he took the chance to slowly let their tongues meet.

Needing air they both pulled away. There was silence and the faint sound of small gasps. Haku and Chihiro smiled at each other and the red blush was dark on both of their faces.

“That was-“

“I lov-“

They both laughed at each other for trying to talk at the same time.

“You first…” Chihiro said tucking her head down and looking at her love through her eyelashes.

“I was just going to say I love you. I’m thousands of years old and that was my first kiss. It was everything I hoped it would be. I know it was so fanstic to me because it was with you.” Haku leaned forward and slow pressed his lips to hers.

Chihiro inhaled deeply and pulled Haku closer yet again and then pulled away. “I can’t get close enough to you…” She sighed. “I was going to tell you that it was amazing. I can’t feel any other lips but yours.”

“I’m glad.” Haku moved his hand down Chihiro’s back and hugged her tight. “guess what Chihiro?” he heard a questioning “hum?”. “I’m a human. We can be together forever.” Haku smiled.

“You’re right!” Chihiro gasped and smiled as she pulled away and looked at him. “Are you really ready? To go there?”

Haku shrugged slightly, “If I am with you I am ready for and thing.” He rubbed his nose against hers and smiled. “I do wonder though if I can go back…” He looked over his shoulder and a small gust of wind blew his hair.


“Because… I didn’t say goodbye… and well once my magic was out of me it told me it would always be there for me. So that means it still wants me…” Haku sounded in a daze.

“Well let’s go then!” Chihiro quickly kissed Haku and then grabbed his hand pulling him up and toward the spirit end of the tunnel. 

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