Chapter 2: This Dark Feeling

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Homework. Why was it invented? Chihiro wondered this exact thing as she sat in her biology class writing down the notes on what homework they had. Of course a lot of it was to be done. She never had any time at home to herself to just relax. It was always get on the bus, get home, do homework, eat with her parents and by then she enough time to shower and finish the homework she didn’t before she crashed out. She usually dreamt about Haku and the Spirit World. She often wondered how he was doing and how Lin was doing. I really wondered how they all were, but she would never actually find out. There was no way for her to get back to the Spirit World.

             She tried once. She got off the bus a little outside of the pathway it took to get there. She went through all the buildings and when she finally almost made, realized the river was gone. Then, her hopes were crushed and she never went back to the river.  She believed that deep down, if it was true love, they’d find a way back to each other, but which way that was, was uncertain to her.

School was a joke. Ever since she moved, jokes were always being made, things were always getting stolen, and her feelings were just demolished. She either wasn’t smart enough, or pretty enough, or cool enough. She was the weird girl who was always drawing dragons on her notebook and didn’t care about her grades. She never did fit in once she moved and it wasn’t her fault. She was changed. She couldn’t help what she had become.


“Where did all of this paper work come from!?” Haku exclaimed loudly as he dug through the papers on this desk.

“Well you have just been letting them sit there…” Lin replied as she picked up a pile that fell on the ground. Lin was no longer the teen that she once was. Being a human in the Spirit World she aged slower than the human world, instead of being close to 100 years old she was at the mature age of 28.

“Lin… Why are you here?” Haku asked with a glare that could cut through ice.

“Gee… calm down Haku.. You asked me to do this once a month. Remember? You asked me to come in so you could talk about her and get it all out.” Lin braided her hair and undid the braid as she waited for Haku to reply.

Haku stood over his desk and stared at it intently while moving papers around trying to look busy.

“Haku.” Lin walked over to desk and placed her hand on top of the boy’s shoulder, “You told me you wanted to talk to me about her atleast once a month but you did it for six months and then stopped. It’s been over a year… You need to talk about Chi-“

“DON’T SAY HER NAME!” Haku yelled suddenly violent. Lin jerked her hand back. The sudden burst of magic energy put the lights out. It was dark for a moment and then they flickered back on.

Haku gripped the edge of the desk, his nails digging into the hard wood. He was biting his lip and his hair moving on its own. “Just… please… Leave.” Haku said coldly as he pulled his nails from the desk.

Lin nodded and started out but paused at the door. “When was the last time you were in your true form and went flying to release some of that magic?”  Haku kept his head down and turned away. “That’s what I thought. Well I’ll be down at the herbal baths if you need me.” Lin said as she closed the door with a soft click.

“ARRRHHHHHGGGGG!!!!” Haku yelled as he flipped his desk and chair in one sweep. “What’s happened to me? I was always calm! The peaceful one!” he thought as he looked around the devilish room with eyes a blaze. Thinking again, “I know I need to fly... I just haven’t wanted to sense that day… I don’t know if I can… I want to go to the other side of the ocean but even if I go will she want to see me?” He laughed to himself, “She has forgotten about me. I know it. I guess I could always try though. Or just check up on her.”

After writing a quick note saying he was going out on personal business, Haku stepped out on to the same balcony that many years ago was covered in his blood. The same one a girl called Sen watched him fly into. He jumped onto the railing in a quick motion and took a breath. “I hope I can still change.” He thought a second too late because he had already jumped and was falling quickly down the side of the bathhouse.

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