With that, she jogged off towards the boardwalk.

And here I was standings with a love struck pop star.

"Harry, go get her."

Ela's POV

How could I have been so stupid? I should have known he was going to be there. I was hoping I could go there and relax with the girls in peace.

I woke up this morning and went straight to my favorite coffee shop. I couldn't face all the girls' questions. When I went back to the house, they left me a note saying they were at the beach.

I hadn't plan on jogging up and down the California beaches, but I also wasn't planning on him being there.

Here I am again, running. Running away again.

My legs start to burn, and I'm reaching my resting point, a tiny rock under the boardwalk.

This is the place where I actually wrote my first song. It is pretty cliche, I know, but it is so peaceful. It just feels right when I'm writing here.

I watch the waves crash off the boardwalk pillars and rise against the sand. I hear a sloshing against the sand behind me. Who could possibly be here?

I flip around on the rock, and there he is. Like he always is. The thought of him always being that was reassuring. I like that.

Harry jogs towards the rocks, out of breath. He has tiny beads of sweat on his forehead and his shirt is over his shoulder. No matter how upset I am around him, his body always somewhat cheers me up.

I turn back to the waves, turning my back on him.

"Did you run here?" I ask him, staring at the ocean waves. I hear his breathing while he comes from behind.

"Yeah, I did."

"Why?" was the only question I could muster.

I hear him groan as we whips around the rock.

"Why?! Are you serious?! You literally sprint away from me last night! Then you show up here and jog away from me. Am I literally supposed to sit on the beach racked up thinking about you?"

Thinking about me? He is just being over-dramatic. I take my eyes off of him and turn back to the waves.

"Harry, you don't need to get angry. I shouldn't have ran. It's over with. I'm over it." I tell him dismissively.

"NO. You aren't over it! I know you aren't because you sit here stone-faced like nothing ever happened! You can't even talk about the situation, which means it's getting to you. You dismiss me as soon as I want to bring up anything that went on between us. You may be over it, but I sure as hell am not." The way he crosses his arm and glares at me gets me rallied up.

"I am not dismissing you! I just want you to stop bothering me with everything that is going on! I met you a week ago and already I can't control my emotions with you! I don't know what is going on, but I can't take the constant back and forth!" I fire back.

"It wouldn't be a constant back and forth if you would stop leaving me!" he spits out. He has a point, and I don't know how to respond. At this point, I am right across from him trying to come up with a comeback.

He lets out a large breath.

"Ela, you just can't keep running." His eyes make me melt. The tenderness of his voice makes me want to stay, but of course, I cant. It's my pattern. No one can break it either.

"Watch me."

I turn around for the long beach and run for it. I am halfway under the boardwalk, and someone tugs my arm.

I turn around and collide into Harry's chest.

"I'm done watching."

Harry grabs my cheeks and pulls me

into his lips. His lips are so full and perfect. They fit with mine and seem to be the missing the puzzle piece. It is the moment I have been waiting for my entire life, to actually feel a kiss.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me extremely close to him. I can't help but grab his back and kiss him even harder. His chest, sweaty from running, after me I might add, is breathing heavily up and down. His chiseled muscles feel so defined under my touch.

I can feel this getting more heated as he sits me on top of the rock and kisses my neck. I want to be even closer to him. I tug his unruly curls right towards me.

I may have only known him for a week, but at this moment, I feel like I have known him for a lifetime.

He pulls away from me, and I don't want him to. He looks at me in the eyes and a smile erupts from his face. I can't help but kiss him again in a more gentle fashion.

"Ela, I-"

"ELA! HARRY! LOOK OVER HERE." We both turn our heads to meet our nightmares, paparazzi.

He is a chubby man bent over his camera and feasting on us like prey.

I feel a warm hand grab me.

"Well, I guess you can stop running after this." Harry smiles and pulls me away from the cameras as we start away from the pudgy pap.

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