Serena Yvonne, you're my Purpose

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Gary banged on the glass window to catch my attention.

He nodded and I returned it.

Serena is now 7 months pregnant. We've decided to call the baby Justin, the middle name runs in Serena's family so the middle name is Bieber. Justin Bieber Ketchum.

I walked out of the singing room and into the control room.

Serena, Scooter, Rachel, Mom, Gary and Step Dad were all there.

"So it's finished" I smiled at them.

"You bet, Ashy boy." Gary gave me the thumbs up.

Serena walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm proud of you" Serena whispered in my ear.


"You've done good, Ash. You going to the grammy awards?" Scooter pulled out a contract.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

I took the paper and grabbed a pen out of my pocket and signed it.

"You'll win, you always do" My step dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Ste" I nodded at him.

Rachel tackled me into a hug.

"Ash, you won't believe what happened today in school." She looked excited.

I sat down on a chair and she sat on my knee.

"I got a boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

"Yep, and she won't stop going on about him" My Mom rolled her eyes.

"Aha, first of many to come, Rach" I winked at her.

She looked confused by that but she'll understand one day.

"He's really awesome, he can sing too!" She had stars in her eyes.

"Well, maybe one day me and him will collab and sing" I chuckled slightly.

She nodded and hopped off my knee.

"Ashy boy, you going prom?" Gary questioned me.

I had completely forgotten about that.

"You bet" I smiled at him.

Serena nodded.

"I'd like to speak to Ash alone for a minute" My Mom spoke up.

I nodded and everyone walked out of the studio.

She kneeled down and grabbed my hand.

She had a light in her eye.

"Your father would be soo proud, Ash. He's watching over us, you've done him good. He believed you could do it and you did!" She pulled me into a hug.

I didn't say anything besides smile.

She got up and left the studio leaving me sitting there.

I picked up the album cover. I'm satisfied 


The day of the Grammy awards. Over a million people were watching me perform tonight.

Including Serena and little JB. 

Over 1.50 million people have bought my album, this is my first real performance in years, if I'm going to be honest I'm nervous as hell. I've been working out like hell, I no longer have a six pack, it's more of a 10 pack now.

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