Love me, or Yourself Part 2

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Fuck man, I failed LOL! It was soo awkward, I had to speak Spanish straight for an entire minute. I only knew one sentence and for the rest, me and my teacher were just looking at each other lmao. 

But....Let's get into the book!

I woke up to Gary shutting the door.

"Morning, Ashy boy. Got you some ASH Browns" He started to laugh away at his joke while I was still half asleep.

"Great, what time is it?" I asked my best friend.

Wait, best friend?

"12PM" He replied while looking at his ICE watch.

Damn, time flies. I have to memorise Sor-Love yourself. Once I do this, I'll be gone, Serena can live with Calem happily ever after.  

I do feel slightly jealous, but now that I'm finding a purpose, I'm not really that bothered if I'm with her , or not.

"Anyway, let's eat this ASH BROWN" I chuckled slightly.


(Serena's POV)

Weeks have passed, still can't get Ash off my mind. I feel a lot better than I did when I first found out, which is a good sign. My class presentation is going to suck tomorrow, but Calem gave me his word he'll play the Piano for us. Music stuff always wins, so like all the other years, my final year, we'll win!

"Serena, is that everything? Hey?" Calem struck me out of deep thoughts.

His eyes were strange colour, they're grey? But they look nice, not better than Cola eyes though.

"Yep, I'll pa-"

"No, I'll pay. You go get in my Jeep" He smiled at me, where is he getting this money from? 

I decided to shake the thought off and do as he says.

I walked out the grocery stores to be confronted by a familiar face.

"Gary?" I said in shock, I haven't seen him in a while, hardly ever see him in school.

"Oh, hey" He didn't look that happy to see me, in fact, he looked like he wanted to walk past me.

"Urm, okay see ya" He did as I thought.

I grabbed his arm which stopped him in his tracks.

"What?" He looked annoyed at this point.

"You just blanked me, we were like best friends at one point, so what's your problem?" I folded my arms.

"You should go and love yourself." He nodded and continued to walk. I was dumbfounded.

Hm, strange. He's normally really easy to read, but this time. I can't. It's like the book's words have been smudged. 

Did I do something wrong? I know he never liked Calem, but surely that can't be it.

I'll just text him when I get home.


(Ash's POV)

I'm going to be honest, the fire haunts me, it's Alexis is lurking in my shadow. I feel like I let her down. I will find Rachel again, just not now. For some reason guilt hit me, the feeling was like being punched by Mike Tyson in the stomach. 

"HELLO!?" "AH"  I screamed, whoever shouted hello through outside scared the living hell out of me, probably Gary.

I stood up and walked over to the door and unlocked it for him.

"Ash, why did you have to get me to do it? You could've paid someone else to do it" He sighed.

He had a point, I could've, but I didn't.

I stepped aside and let Gary walk in with the bags.

"I uh, seen Serena today" He put the bags down on the table.

"That's cool, should've said hi to her for me" I smiled at him.

He didn't look very pleased by that, but he shook off the look with a smile.

"I said to her 'You should go and Love Yourself" He winked at me.

For some reason, I liked the response.

"Nice response" I laughed.

Sorry, or love yourself? The question had been lingering in my mind all day. It only feels right to go with 'Love yourself.' She's in love with Calem now, nothing I can do about it, plus I never got forgiveness for th...the kiss with Korrina. 

Maybe it's time to move on, or have I already moved on? 

I watched Gary unpack the bags, placing the food into the cupboards. He hasn't really changed that much, he still has his brown hair, but he wears a black shirt with purple pants along with black shoes. Not that bad in terms of style, looks like something form the 80's. But, hey who am I to judge.

"If you think that I'm still holding onto something you should go and love yourseeeelllF" I said loudly, hitting a high note on the ending.

"That was pretty good, I could do better though" Gary smirked.

"Ah, one day" I sweatdropped.

Finally, my life is starting to get back on track. Once I've performed, I think I'll...I'll go to Alola. My previous albums sold out the most there. Almost 22 MILLION copies were sold in that region. Last time I visited I met that girl, I think her name was Lillie. Maybe I'll get to know her more after this.

For once, I'm actually excited for my future.

So so so so short, yes. It's the build up for the big chapter :) BUT not the final ;) See you all Friday! Love you all!

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