Chapter Twenty: Love and Secrets

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"Morning sunshine," Austin's voice echoed lightly in my ear, his words groggy with sleep.

"The earth says hello," I smiled, stretching a bit and letting out a long yawn. "What time is it?" I asked, my eyes fluttering due to the intense sunlight that lit up the room.

"Um, I'd have to say around eight." His voice questioned his guess of the time. If he was right that meant we slept for almost sixteen hours.

"It must have been a busy day yesterday." I sighed, carefully sitting up and climbing off Austin. He laughed as I did a not-so-graceful fall onto the floor below.

"It was, but I think that was the most peaceful sleep either of us have had in a while." He smiled, swinging his legs off the side of the couch and sitting up.

"It was nice indeed," I giggled, getting up off the floor and fixing my top. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked, another yawn escaping my lips.

"I don't know," he laughed, running his fingers through his already disheveled hair. "Did you have any plans?"

"Well," I smiled, running into my bedroom, grabbing a stack of movies off my shelf and bringing them back into the living room. "I thought we could watch some of these."

"Up, The Little Mermaid, Hercules," his eyes kept scanning over the movie covers until he came to the last one. "Beauty and the Beast..." His voice trailed off, growing quiet before he stopped.

"Austin, are you okay?" I asked, taking a seat next to him and gently turning his face so I could look at him.

"My mom's favorite Disney princess was Belle," he smiled just barely, his eyes glistening from tears that threatened to fall.

"How about we watch this one then?" I smiled at him, taking the movie from his hands. His cheeks blushed red as he shook his head in agreement.

I hopped up from the couch, running over to the DVD player and putting it in. The surround sound system Shamus had roared to life as the tv glowed brightly with Walt Disney's castle. I smiled, skipping back over to the couch like the child I was. I went to bounce and take a seat on the cushion next to Austin, but before I could do that he took hold of my hips, pulling me down on top of him. I let out a loud squeal before it was muffled by his lips. My smile never left as his warm lips moved with mine. When we finally broke contact, the movie had started and gained our attention.

I don't think Austin knew I was a Disney buff. Name a Disney movie and I've most likely seen it and or own it. So the look on his face was priceless as I sang "little village" along with Belle, which included the dialogue. After of course I shut up so we could actually watch the movie, but I don't think either of us could help but not singing along to "Gaston". I was half tempted to dance around the room to the song. I didn't know why I loved Disney movies so much, but I think Austin may enjoy the fact I have a child side, and that Disney brings out my inner child.

Eventually we got to the part where Belle traded her freedom in order to save her father. By this time Austin and I were snuggled close together, his arm draped lightly across my hip. Soon enough the movie was over and we were left watching the credits since both of us were too lazy to get up and change it movies.

"You know the beast is my husband?" I smiled, glancing up at him to see him trying not to smile.

"Oh really now?" He smirked, raising his eyebrows with an amusing tone. "I didn't realize you were in to hairy men with bestiality." He chuckled as I gave him a cheesy grin.

"Why do you think I'm with you?" I questioned laughing hysterically as his eyes widened with shock.

"Well then," he faked a crying stutter, "I am tired of your insults Blair, I'll just leave." He went to sit up, which would have thrown me off the couch. I squealed, grasping his shirt as he stood up halfway. "Oh," he laughed, taking me into his secure arms, "so I see you take it back?"

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