Chapter Nineteen: Home

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"The doctor said you have to eat healthy and not stress out." I relayed for what must have been the fifth time as I drove Austin back to my place.

"Blair, I have a new heart, and I was there when the doctor told you this." He chuckled, gently tucking my hair behind my ear before kissing my cheek.

"I know, I just don't want this to happen again." I sighed, turning onto my street, happy to be home.

"With you by my side? My heart is content." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

After Austin was released from the hospital, he was transferred to the L.A.Community Hospital. He's been there for the past two weeks and now he can finally come home. Well, my home at least.

The guys didn't want to keep touring, but Austin made them promise him they'd finish up without him. Warped would be over in three weeks, and then they'd all be off and helping me take care of him periodically.

Until then, it was going to be just us, spending time with one another for the first time ever as a couple. It didn't know how it would go or what would happen, but we would roll with the punches. Who knew, maybe we would have sex? Only time can tell.

"Blair?" Austin looked at me, playfully nudging my shoulder to gain my attention. "Did you hear what I said?"

"No, I didn't." I chuckled, killing the engine before turning to look at him. I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to pay attention.

"I said, I don't want you to stress yourself out or worry too much about me." He smiled, taking hold of my hand and grasping it tight.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, diverting my eyes from his gaze. "You really scared me Austin." I laughed sheepishly and turned away from him in order not to cry.

"Hey," he leaned closer to me, gently placing his fingers under my chin and turning my head. He placed a kiss on my lips before leaning his forehead against mine. "I know I did, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It was irrational, stupid decision and I was too concerned with my own pride to even think about telling you. But," he smiled, his fingers lightly tracing my jaw, pulling my hair away from my face. "I know we're okay and that I never have to think like that. I love you Blair, and I never want to hurt you."

"I love you too Austin." I smiled back, my slim fingers gently tracing swirls on his neck. "And I'm glad you now feel like you can tell me anything."

"I knew I always could," he sighed, his eyes leaving mine for a moment before connecting again. "I was just scared. I didn't think you would want to stay with me, knowing I had bad health due to genetics."

"Now that my love," I laughed, shaking my head in disbelief because of his silly fear, "Is an irrational thought. I'm not like that Austin. I stood by my brother until he died, I held his hand as his heart stopped. What in the world made you think I wouldn't do the same for you?" I asked, my eyes searching his face for some type of answer.

"Because of what happened between us," he muttered, his hand taking hold of mine and squeezing it for comfort. "After everything, I thought that you might have changed your mind."

"I would think the same thing," I whispered, clearing my throat to regain some part of my voice. "After what I did to you, I would have thought you wouldn't want me in your life in at all."

"Then I fear my darling," he smiled, his thumb tracing lightly over my knuckles, "that we are both irrational."

I giggled at his comment and rolled my eyes, because I knew he was right. My irrationality always got the best of me, and it tore me away from people who care. Shamus and Mallory are the only ones who have stuck with me through it all. But now I had Austin, and I was sure that he would stick with me too.

After having our "deep" conversation in the car for about fifteen minutes, we got out. Because he was still weak, I had to help Austin out of the car and onto the couch. It wasn't a big deal to me since I was used to having to help others when they're weaker than normal; and they've done the same for me. It's an endless cycle really.

After an hour or two being home, Austin started whining about food. But, of course he wanted things like pizza, KFC, and Taco Bell. So it was no surprise he was a little upset when I brought him a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, feta, and olives. Then the whole issues with food got started, and he tried arguing that he should be able to indulge a little. I, on the other hand disagreed.

"Blair, come on!" He shrieked, his eyes clasped shut as he yelled. "I should be allowed one bad food a day."

"Now explain to me why?" I smiled, my eyebrows raised waiting for his silly reply.

"Well, I think it's an incentive to do physical therapy." His voice was at a higher pitch as he searched for explanations. "And I think I should be able to indulge."

"Indulge?" I chuckled, shaking my head, "so indulging means breaking your new health plan before it even starts? It means disobeying doctors orders just so you can have some greasy, empty calorie, fatty food so your heart doesn't get stronger? Indulging means risking going into the hospital again? Some plan there." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, knowing by his stunned expression that I had won.

"Um, I think I'll just sit here and enjoy my salad." He smiled big, taking hold of the bowl and sticking his fork in.

"That's what I thought." I grinned, plopping down beside him on the couch.

It was late afternoon and even though I had gotten a decent amount of sleep the night before, I was drained. I leaned towards Austin, resting my head gently on his shoulder as he continued to eat his salad. My eyes began to flutter as images blurred in and out of focus. Then my vision was submerged into complete darkness.

When I had woken up, I found myself on top of Austin. My head laid on his chest as my arms has wrapped around his neck. His arms gripped firmly at my waist, bringing me extreme comfort with the way he held me. Our legs were intertwined and our just seemed as though our bodies fit together like a puzzle. He was my missing piece and I am happy to have finally found him.

I raised my head a little, gazing up at the dozing Austin. I smiled, adjusting my position a bit to get comfortable once again. I inhaled his sweet cologne, the scent eating me back into sleep. Today has been busy and exciting. I got Austin back, he's out of the hospital, and he's here with me. There's nothing more I could ask for.

~ ~ ~

So I found my kindle.... yay? I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, but I didn't really know how to end it. But the next chapter I have planned out and I know exactly what's going to happen. I love you guys and thanks for sticking with me.

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