Chapter Two: So It's That Easy?

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After getting ready and driving to the venue we ran (more like Mallory ran) to get good spots in line. We've been sitting here for about four hours, waiting for the doors to open. So far nothing has happened. I didn't know what it was, I guess it must've been the amount of time it's been since my last concert, but I could've sworn waiting in line for a was more fun than this.

To keep myself entertained I made small talk with Mallory and texted Neil. He was working late today, so when he got home, I wouldn't be sleeping in bed like normal. But he told me to fun and he'd see me soon. Then just like that, he stopped texting me. I figured something came up at the firm or he fell asleep. I wouldn't be surprised if he fell asleep, he did it a lot.

I sighed and shoved my phone back into my front pocket of my ripped grey skinny jeans. I leaned against the wall, blowing my dark brown bangs from my eyes. After a while, even that became boring and I paced. Not massively, but I did go in circles. It seemed to go on forever. I just wanted to get inside, watch the show, and then go home to my bed.

I heard shrieks come from the line of waiting people as the doors opened to the venue. Every filed inside as security checked out bags and they marked our hands with black x's to signify we were allowed to be in there. There was a large crowd already gathered in the front of the stage. I looked over to Mallory who had a frown plastered onto her face.

"I wanted to be up front." She pouted, crossing her arms.

"You've got to be kidding?" I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Go up front, just push past people." She looked at me with worry on her eyes. She didn't want anyone to think she was a bitch. I for one had no problem with it, so I grabbed her arm and pulled her forward. "If you dragged me here to see a band I've never listened to before and you're too afraid to push and kick your way to the front then I might as well leave. I am not going to watch this from the back." I pushed through small crowds of people, winding through them. A lot of them have me dirty looks, but frankly I didn't care. And then, just like that, we were literally touching the stage.

"Ohmigod!" She squealed with excitement. "I could touch him if I wanted to!"

"Glad you're happy." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

More people flooded into the room, the space become tightly packed. People shouted just to hear each other, not one time was there silence. Not even when the opening band came on stage. Even though I liked the music, I didn't seem to enjoy myself as much as I thought I would. I think it was because it's been so long since I've been in a mosh pit, and I was getting pissed because of all the people falling onto me. Someone even got mad because I was 'too tall', and that I needed to go to the back of the venue.

I just ignored comments, and pushed people off me when they couldn't seem to keep their weight on their own two feet. Two performances later, Attack! Attack! came on stage. I was busy putting my shoe back on to see them. Some douche stepped on my foot and it pulled my shoe off. After struggling to keep my balance, I successfully got my foot back in my high top. When I finally looked back up my breath caught in my throat. There was this guy standing in front of me, he was a fucking giant because I had to arch my neck in an attempt to see his face. It must've been their screamer, because god damn was he hot.

It was at that moment I felt myself give into the music. I became lost in the words, the beat, and the sound. I fell in love with a band I've never heard before, at one of their concerts. I smiled and began to head bang along with the others, letting it all go and finally enjoying myself. The screamer hunched over and extended his hand into the crowd, and being me, I reached up, aiming to at least feel his touch. His fingers skinned over the screaming fans hands, but his gaze and his touch lingered on me. I couldn't help but smile and blush as our eyes locked.

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