Chapter Seventeen: Please Tell Me You'll Stay

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"No, I haven't talked to him in in almost two weeks." I pouted, pressing my phone to my ear as I paced my hotel room.

"Have you not tried taking to him?" Anna asked, her voice eager on the other line. Once Mallory knew Austin and I had made up she told pretty much everyone.

"No, I've been dancing around and having sex with random people." I guess, sarcasm oozing through my teeth. "Of course I've tried, why wouldn't I? I call him and his response is always the same."

"I'm busy and now's not a good time?" She asked, sadness now apparent in her demeanor.

"Exactly. And by the time I find him at tour, he has to perform. And when he's done he leaves and won't talk to anyone." I sighed, pulling my bangs away from my eyes. I wasn't jealous or clingy when it came to relationships. If you had things to do them get them done was what I lived by. But this was not only troublesome but frightening. "I don't know what to do anymore, it's not like I haven't tried. I don't want to come off as clingy, but I don't think Austin realizes that he's scaring me."

"I'm sorry chica, I wish I could help." She mumbled as she sat in her quiet office.

"You can help me by flying out here. I'm done and I want to go home, I need you to come and fill in my position." I smiled, sliding on my flats, my wrist brace, and grabbing my keys off the dresser for my rental car.

"You sure hon?" She asked, get voice pipping up a bit. She wanted the opportunity to be at Warped but she didn't want to take my place.

"Anna, I'm serious. Clearly I'm done with what I'm supposed to do, and I want to go home to my dog and my bed." I laughed, opening the door of my hotel. "And as much as I'll miss Pierce the Veil, it's time for me to go." I no longer saw the point as to why I had to stay. I finished my interviews, I haven't been able to make any type of contact with Austin, and I spent time with some of my closest friends.

"Okay, I'll fly out to tomorrow's show. But you can't leave until I get there because I haven't seen you in forever!" She cried out with a laugh. I couldn't help but smile, Anna was like my triplet, (Mallory was my other triplet) we were so in-sync, so alike you would think we were related.

"Okay, I promise. I gotta go, it's my last technical day at warped and I want to try and catch some shows for pure entertainment." I sighed, trotting down the stairs and being into my car.

"Okay chica, I'll talk to you soon." Anna replied cheerily into the phone.

"Hey, tell Aryan I miss her, she's been too busy for us to talk." I added quickly, remembering at the last minute. I missed all my friends, even Shamus even if I just saw him about five days ago.

"Will do, bye." Anna smiled, hanging up the phone. I let out a sigh, preparing myself for a fun day.


So many noises, so many songs, so many friends. I was completely burnt out from today. But of course, just like any other day, Austin has completely avoided me. I had just about given up on it all to be honest. I was tired of him pushing me away, and he would refuse no matter how hard I pushed.

I didn't bother waiting for him after Of Mice & Men's set, it wasn't worth it. Instead I was headed to my car, ready to get back to my hotel room and find plane tickets home. And right now, that was all I wanted to show my racing mind.

I drove down the roads, a slow night since it was late. And unfortunately it was eerily silent, with maybe five cars on the road. Right now I wanted the hotel bed and my laptop before heading off to sleep for tonight.

I pulled up into the silent parking lot, killing the engine of the rental. I was tired, emotionally, physically, mentally, or however else you could be exhausted. I treaded up the stairs, my eyes growing heavier with each step. I was so done with today and I wanted it over with.

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