Chapter Five: My Understandings

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I lay down in my bed, looking at the ceiling. Friends? That was we ever could be wasn't it? He's married, and his wife is gorgeous. Then here I am, a potato compared to everyone else. It's been a week since Austin said we were best friends, and I was still thinking about it. I guess I'd rather be friends then nothing at all.

I gave up on my thoughts and surrendered to sleep. But my dreams were nothing but darkness. There were no colours, no images, no sounds, just darkness. I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. I had school, but I didn't want to go. I felt dizzy and sick, so I decided that I wasn't going to class today. I curled to into a ball, my stomach cramping and making me nauseous.

Charlie walked into the room, opening the door by pushing on it with his snout. He looked sad, his eyes droopy with worry. He came to me, jumping into the bed and curling up next to me, licking my cheek.

"Thanks Charlie." I whispered, stroking his back. He rested his head on my stomach, his sad eyes blinking at me.

I went in and out of sleep, only getting up once to run to the bathroom. Mallory wouldn't be up for another thirty minutes or so, and unless I texted her or yelled at her (which I wasn't up to doing) she would think I was at school. Charlie would get up every once in a while and walk around the apartment before coming back in and lying next to me. That was probably the most eventful thing of my entire day; thinking I was going to puke, and running to the bathroom.

I couldn't be mentally sick could I? Being in heart break couldn't make me this sick, it was impossible. It could've been that sushi I ate last night; I might just have food poisoning. But I knew that I couldn't be making myself sick, because I would have gone to school had I thought that.

I heard the shower turn on, so I knew Mallory has to be getting up. I got up, trying not to fall over, and closed my door till it was almost shut. Then I wobbled back to bed and curled up under the sheets. Charlie's wet nose press against my arm. I pet his head before falling asleep again.

When I woke up again I heard Austin's voice. He and Mallory were taking about what to do, and about picking me up from school later. I didn't want to speak so I grabbed my phone, attempting to text one of them that I was still home. When I turned on the screen, the brightness stung my eyes, and just looking at the keypad made me nauseated. I gave up and put my phone back on my nightstand, rolling over and falling back to sleep.


"I did that one time, and let's just say the end result? Yea, it wasn't pretty." Mallory giggled before taking a sip of her water. "From that point on I never did anything that had to do with welding again."

"Not gonna lie, welding wasn't an easy class for me in high school." I shrugged, pulling out my phone and texting Geille quickly before placing my phone back in my pocket. "I don't even know why I took it, it's not like I'm a welder for a living."

"I bet it comes in handy when you need it." She smirked, taking a seat on the park bench.

"Mallory?" I sighed, taking a seat next to her.

"Yea Austin?" She replied, her head leaning back allowing the wind to flow through her hair.

"I never see Blair with another guy. Is there one?" I asked, tapping my fingers on my leg.

"There’s Neil, but they haven't spoken in a couple days. I think he's breaking up with her." She frowned, becoming sad even thinking about this. "He's only her second boyfriend, and they've only dated for a month. I don't think it's anything she's doing because she's great, that's why they fall in love with her." She paused, holding her breath before letting it out. "I don't what happens, but they always break up after at least a month. It could also possibly be the fact..." She trailed of, not wanting to finish her sentence.

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