Chapter Six: The Storm

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Austin is leaving for tour today. That was the first thought in my mind as soon as I woke up. He was leaving; a week soared by like nothing. Who knows when I would see him again, weeks, months, years? How could a guy I've only known for two weeks mean so much to me?

I sighed, attempting to roll over, and then remembering that Austin was lying in bed next to me. No, we didn't have sex; he was just next to me. It's about the sixth time too. The first time I fell asleep, he stayed, falling into slumber next to me. After that, when I'd fall asleep he'd carry me to bed, staying with me the whole night. We watched a movie last night, we both must have fallen asleep because the T.V. was still on.

I sat up slowly and quietly, Austin's tattooed arm sliding away from my waist. I wasn't in to the whole cuddling shit, even with my past boyfriends. Austin made it different, he made me feel... normal, even after what happened in my past.

I stripped, getting ready for school. I pulled on a pair of my stone wash skinny jeans. I couldn't find the shirt I wanted to wear, so I stood there digging through my drawer looking for it. I heard a deep voice clearing his throat. I whipped around to see a blushing Austin. I looked down at myself, remembering I only had pants and a bra on.

"Nice lace." He winked, sitting up in the bed.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my Social Distortion tee, pulling it on so my lacy black bra was covered.

Silence settled over us as I went to my mirror, applying my make-up for the day. "So Blair, can I pick you up after school today to say goodbye?" He asked as I started to tease my hair.

"I don't see why not." I shrugged, spraying stands of hair with hair spray. He hasn't picked me up since last week, and to be perfectly honest? I missed his little troublesome visits, especially when they got me out of uncomfortably close situations with Professor Shannon. "You know where my class is by now, and when it ends, so I'll see you then?" I looked at him, a grin on my face.

"Of course." He smiled back, jumping off the bed and walking towards me.

"I gotta get going, bye." I hugged him tight, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled back, looking at me with a smile. I couldn't help it anymore. He gazed down at me, the six foot five giant, making my heart melt.

His arm wrapped around me tightly, bringing me closer to his body. With my arms still wrapped around his neck, he began to lean down as my head tilted up. He became so close that I could smell his minty breath, the heat of it making me shiver. He leaned down more, are lips getting closer and closer until they met. It was utter bliss as his lips hit mine. His hold was tight, reassuring, and I never wanted this to end. That was until my rationality hit, and I remember that gold circle on his finger that meant he was married.

I pulled away, our breathing laboured. My eyes were wide and I was forcing myself not to cry. "Blair I..." He started, losing his thought as a tear fell from my watering eyes. He wiped it away with his thumb, bringing his head down once more, kissing me. I didn't want to pull away, because his lips tasted so sweet. But I pushed away again, running out the door and to my car.

"Blair, wait!" He shouted after me. I couldn't do it, not now. I needed a clear head. I ignored him and got in my car, peeling out of the parking lot and to campus. We kissed. I kissed a married man.

I went to class, ignoring Shamus's worried glances. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to think. So much had happened; I just couldn't process it all. Shamus nudged me with his elbow, trying to get me to at least look at him. I sat up a little, looking into his worried blue eyes. He wanted to know why I wasn't talking, but I didn't feel like telling him why. I looked at him, biting my lip; I'd have to tell him eventually.

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