Chapter Sixteen: Look After Me

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  • 点播给 Trevor Moore

"It isn't broken, just a sprain." The doctor smiled, gingerly turning my wrist back and forth. I grimaced once in a while, the pain over bearing.

After Marshall left and I had my meltdown, I decided to go to an Urgent Care and get my wrist checked out. Mallory called as I was sitting in the waiting room, freaking out because I left and I didn't tell her. I calmed her down, told her where I was, what had happened, and that I'll be okay. But Mallory being her worried self, rushed down to the Urgent Care to wait with me.

I didn't tell her about what happened with Austin. I would actually need to talk to him first. The way he acted when I called, that wasn't the normal him. He seemed rushed, panicky, and most of all, over stressed. But I needed him right now and the issue still stood of I'm too busy right now. What was he so busy with he couldn't tell me? It's been the hours since I texted him and still no response. None of this was right.

"How long until it fully stops hurting?" I asked, watching as the doctor fitted a brace into my hand, covering my palm, wrist, and a bit of my arm.

"Maybe a week or two. It was nothing serious, but it would probably be best to stay away from the man who did this to you." He cautioned, raising his eyebrows, already knowing that it wasn't some freak accident. It must have been all the bruises on my arms.

"Thank you Doctor Charles, I appreciate your help." I smiled, hopping off the table and heading for the door.

"You're most welcome Miss Deveroux, have a nice afternoon." He smiled back, the wrinkles in his face deepening as he did so.

I walked down the hallway to the waiting room, setting Mallory engulfed in a magazine. I shook my head with a grin and walked over to her, taking a seat. I was waiting for her to notice me; which took a few minutes considering she was more focused on the rumors in front of her than me right now. I cleared my throat, gaining a reaction, but nothing more. I nudged her arm, causing her to whip her head around to glare at me. But when she realized I wasn't a stranger asking for attention her facial expression softened.

"What did he say?" She asked quietly, closing the magazine and setting it down on the table beside her.

"It's sprained, but it'll heal." I shrugged, showing her my brace. I knew she felt guilty about it. She let Marshall go through the door that connects our rooms together. But there was no way she could have predicted this, no one could.

But I could say that this Marshall, the one that was pissed beyond recognition? That was the Marshall I knew better than the sweet Marshall. But all anyone besides me knew him as was the sweet boyfriend who loves his girlfriend and gets protective. But this event showed the real Marshall, the one that scared me to stay.

"Mallory, it's not your fault." I comforted, laying my head down on her shoulder. I didn't want her to be upset over this because it wasn't her fault.

"I should have known though, he looked angry." She sniffled, quickly wiping away tears before they fell. "Something didn't feel right but I didn't listen to my gut." I let out a long sigh, patting her leg as a terrible form of comfort.

"Let's get going, we have pictures, and interviews to do. Then we can need around." I smiled, nudging her arm over and over. The repetitive motion of it making her smile in irritation.

"Okay let's go." She replied softly, sitting up from her seat and smoothing down her shirt which had wrinkled as she slouched.

I joined her as we walked out the door to her car. The doctor visit was something neither of us thought would happen. Now we were behind on schedule and an hour away from where Warped was located. So we would need to work over time to catch up on whatever we had missed, but it could've been worse.

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