Chapter Seven: Hearts Racing, Anger Rising, Tears Falling

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I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, bringing me out of sleep. Blair breathed softly as she slept. I quietly removed my arm from her waist as I sat up to answer the call.

"Hello?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes in attempt to wake myself up.

"Dude, where are you, we need to get going in an hour." Andrew hissed through the phone.

"I'm over at Blair's, I fell asleep, sorry." I yawned, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"We figured as much, I'll be at her place in five minutes to pick you up." He grumbled. I don't know what was eating at him, must've been to finish the tour.

"Okay, see you then." I sighed, hitting end call on my phone before shoving it back into my pocket.

I looked back at Blair, peacefully sleeping. I don't know why she so sick after what happened. It worried me; I really did care for her. But I couldn't help but have this nagging thought on my mind. If she didn't love Shannon, was it me she loved? She seemed so calm, so open with me and everything that she wanted to tell me. But I saw her with Shannon; she was uncomfortable, nervous, and jittery. I didn't want to just jump to conclusions, but that's what everything was pointing to.

I stood up from the bed, fixing my ruffled hair, and trying to find my sun glasses. Once I had found them underneath the comforter I walked out into the main room. I checked the time on my phone; 5:12 p.m. Mallory would be at work for another thirty minutes, and I didn't want to wake up Blair. Besides, the guys would be here any minute. Sure enough, a few minutes later, a fist pounded on the front door.

"Let's get going." Andrew said irritably as soon as I opened the door.

"Wait, let me say goodbye to Blair." I replied quickly, easing my foot back a step.

"Hurry, we've gotta get going." He groaned, leaning up against the door frame.

I ran to the back room, I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Blair. As I opened the door I saw her sitting up in her bed, looking like she was just about to come out and answer the door. She turned to look at me, biting her bottom lip. She stood up and walked towards me, throwing her arms around my neck and embracing me in a hug.

"I'll miss you." She whispered as her head lay on top of my chest.

"We'll be keeping on contact, trust me." I chuckled lightly, wearing my arms around her waist. A moment of silence fell upon us before she pulled away. She maneuvered past me, down into the hall towards the kitchen. I stood there, contemplating my options.

I finally decided, buying down the hallway and into the kitchen. She was bracing herself against the counter, soft cries echoing throughout the small room. I gently grabbed her arm, turning her to face me. "Blair, before I leave, there something I really need to ask you." I stated plainly and nervously.

"Of course Austin." She forced a smile and wiped tears from her cheeks.

"When Mallory and I first hung out, she told me something that's been on my mind ever since." My Voice was a little shaky as I raced through my words. I want sure how much time Andrew was going to give me.

"What did she say?" She asked, her eyebrows arching, her eyes deciding whether to defend herself or blow up with anger.

"Well, it was something along the lines of how you were on love, but you can't be with him." I shrugged, trying to play it coolly, seeing if maybe I could get an answer from her.

"And did she say why?" She asked quietly, her head pointed towards the floor as she spoke.

"Because he was married." I replied just as softly.

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