Chapter 11 What the Hell Ky!

Start from the beginning

"Haha how bout we go order the pizza now, I'm starving," I said walking inside. He followed. We walked in the house and he grabbed the remote, jumped on the couch, and looked at me.

"Home sweet home," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and ordered the pizza. After I ordered, I sat down on the other couch and my phone went off saying I had a text. It was from Luca.

Hey sis, just seeing how you were doing. I won't be coming home tonight. I have to travel. Busy day tomorrow. Taking on 2 different cases in one day. BUT We won today :) thanks for being strong. You stood your ground and didn't back down. Good night.Wish me luck. ~Luca

Thanks for everything you did for me today. And that's great. Good luck even though you won't need it.. You're gonna win like every time :) Goodnight Brother. ~Allie

I love Luca. He's so caring. He is honestly like a dad to me and I wouldn't want it any other way. If I didn't have my friends and some of my family with me, I don't know what I would do. Breaking me from my thoughts, there was a knock at the door. I looked at Kyle thinking he was going to get up and get it, but he just smirked. I glared at him, got up, and answered the door. It was the pizza guy. I gave him the money and took the pizzas. I got two plates and put 2 slices a piece on them, took them in the living room, and gave one to Kyle.

"Thanks Al," he smiled. I glared at him but he did a funny face and I started laughing.

"You're welcome Kyle," I said. We sat there and ate. After we were done eating, I was tired and Kyle was falling asleep.

"Hey Ky, Imma head up to bed. I don't care if you stay over. Just make sure you lock the door back if you leave," I said getting up.

"Nah, I better go home tonight. My parents are already pissed at me because I'm never home. I don't want to hear them go on about it anymore," he got up. "But thanks anyway. I'll see you tomorrow," he said smiling and giving me a hug.

"Okay, goodnight. Sleep tight." I laughed. He left and I locked the door and went into my room. I layed down and instantly fell asleep.

I heard a knock at the door and looked at my phone It was 3 in the morning. Who the hell is at my door this early? I got up, walked to the door, and looked out the window. It was Kyle.

"What the..?" I started.

"Can I come in and stay the night?" he asked. I looked at him with a concerned look.

"Duh, but are you okay?" I asked, letting him in.

"Not really. I might have messed things up even worse." he said.

"What do you mean Ky, be more specific," I said looking at him.

"Well, I went home and my dad was there. He asked me where I was and I told him that I was here. He said he didn't want me out this late again. I argued with him and he said if I don't follow the rules, then I'm kicked out. I told him that it really wasn't that late. He went on to say that my performance in football these last couple of weeks was because I am out so late. After that, we argued, my mom came home, and we argued some more. She kicked me out because I said I could do things on my own and I didn't need them. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I don't even have a job yet and they just kick me out. I'm a teenager, I say things like that." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, you can stay here. That's not right though what they did," I said.

"My dad said I shouldn't even be playing football if I'm not going to spend every second doing it. He said he raised a bigger failure than he thought. He wanted a man," he said putting his head down. I sat down beside him and hugged him.

"You're not a failure, I promise you that. He doesn't know what he's talking about," I said. "I have extra clothes here you can change into. The ones you left here." I went and got them out of my closet. He went in the other room and changed his pants. He came back in the living room and took his shirt off. I looked at him and there was a bruise on his chest.

"What the hell Ky?" I asked pointing to the bruise. I teared up. "He didn't, did he?" I asked looking at him.

"He didn't mean it. He was drunk, it's fine," he said looking away from my eyes and at the wall.

"OF COURSE HE MEANT IT, LOOK AT HOW BIG THAT BRUISE IS," I yelled. I started crying. He pulled me into a hug.

"It's not that bad, I promise. At least it's not in the face," he said. I looked at him with big eyes.

"When you said that black eye you had a couple weeks ago was from weights, it wasn't. Was it?" I asked.

"Allie, drop it," he said. I pulled away from him.

"NO I WILL NOT DROP IT! Tell me, was it from him?" I asked crying even harder.

"Fine, it was from him. He didn't mean it though. It was my fault. Allie, look at me." he said.

"I can't right now Kyle, I'm going to bed. You should get some sleep too. We have school tomorrow," I said and then went to my room, shut the door, and locked it. I layed down and cried. How could he not tell me this? We are best friends. He's getting abused and I never knew. He's always so happy and I could never tell. I couldn't fall asleep.

My alarm went off and I got an hour of sleep. I got up and started getting ready for school. I put on clothes, grabbed my bag and my phone, and went down stairs. Kyle was sitting on the couch. I walked over to the fridge, grabbed a water, and sat down on the couch beside Kyle, without looking at him.

"I'm sorry Kyle. I should have known. I mean you're my bestfriend and I didn't even know this was going on. I just don't want you to ever get hurt like that. It's hurts me knowing that you had to put up with that," I said. He looked at me and I looked at him back with tears in my eyes.

"It's not your fault. I'm fine. I'm still alive and breathing and as long as I have you, I will always be great," he said.

"Will you do something for me?" I asked.

"Anything," he said staring me in the eyes.

"Will you move in with me? At least, don't go back there. As long as you don't go back there," I said.

"Ya know what, when I said I would do anything for you, I really meant it. I won't go back there. I don't want Luca and Daimon to.." I stopped him.

"They won't care. I will talk it over with them. Both of them are usually gone anyway so they won't care," I said.

"Okay, then it's settled," he said. "Now give me a hug," he said smiling.

"Great," I smiled, hugged him, and looked at the clock.

"Right, we should get to school. Gosh Allie, you just had to hug me and waste time," he smirked. I laughed and stuck my tongue out.

"Actually, I enjoyed that hug very much," he laughed and we headed out the door. I put my phone in my back pocket.


I really hope you liked it! Lauren and I worked hard writing it!

You know the drill.






Love ya all ;) 

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